MVD's a go, at last

It must be normal to hang up the phone after getting the date and then start shaking because omg it’s a reality, right?!? Of course some anxiety plays into it and questioning…"am I doing the right thing?"
I know I don’t have a choice. I have to do this and I want to do this.
Eyes wide open, being realistic and hoping I come out the other end better able to function.
Best case scenario…No pain, no meds. But I’ll take manageable pain with low dose meds.

April 9th, 2013… A little over 3 weeks away.

Mimi xx

OOOOOOH, well dear, it is the start of wellness for you xx

WOW Mimi, Big news. I’d shake too. I wish you all the goodness that it can be.
Are you having it in Manitoba?

I wish you the same success that I have had, with no complications and no more pain. While I am never without a little voice in the back of my head occasionally whispering "what if it comes back', I am pain free now and am optimistic for the future. It is such a joyous relief to walk outside, brush my teeth, eat cold and hot foods, and be able to think clearly. The MVD offers the most hope for us. I cannot wait to hear about your success.

Hugs, MiMiK

Thanks Ladies!
Jackie, lets hope! <3
Mimik, I hope so! I’m encouraged by your success!
Bella, yes, we’re “going to Winnipeg” lol Dr. Kaufmann will be performing the surgery.

Mimi I will be thinking of you and praying for a successful outcome xxxx

Hi Mimi,
That’s great news :)))) it is normal to be shocked when you get the actual date, like you said, it makes it real, it’s happening, but the outcome will be worth it, this is what you have to keep telling yourself, you are strong to be going through TN already so this is like the final bit of that chapter before a new one starts .
We are all with you and even though we are not with you in person, I guarantee all of us here will be thinking about you and hoping it goes well on the 9th :slight_smile:

I am so happy for you, its a new beginning with a great outlook. You will do just fine keep us posted. If you need any insight dont hesitate to ask us. Wishing you all the best Mimi!

My Best


Congrats on getting your mvd date! Will be sending out positive vibes that everything goes perfectly and you wake up pain free with a speedy recovery! A positive outlook is the best advice I can give! Best of luck and keep us all posted!

Happy for you Mimi!!

Thanks Everyone, it’s so weird, this afternoon I had minimal pain ( first time in a long while) so of course I was thinking…"brain surgery? For what?"
Aside from the pain, the emotional roller coaster is exhausting…
I truly thank you for your words of comfort and support, it’s soooo helpful to hear/read from people who “get it”.

Isn’t that weird, Mimi, when the pain goes quiet for a moment, and you have those thoughts.
So glad you had minimal pain. Hope tomorrow is the same. Every moment not in pain builds some kind of strength.

I had that same thing right before my surgery. My pain was really quiet for a few days and I thought the same thing. Why am I letting him open me back up? But then my face turned bright red on the left side and was burning like crazy while electrical shocks blasted across my cheekbone and behind my eye and I quickly remembered. If everything goes well its not a terribly painful surgery. They will keep you doped up long enough to get through the roughest patch :-)

Wow! I'm glad you didn't have to wait longer!

Ummm- when you are done - take a couple weeks off from moderating huh??? LOL

Mimi, I am SO happy for you that your turn has come! You will go through so many emotions as the date gets closer. Remember that you have so many friends here who will be thinking of you on 9th April and the many recovery days afterwards, hoping that you are doing OK. As someone else said, it’s not a terribly painful procedure, and they will give you plenty of pain relief for the headaches, even when you don’t ask for them.
You have been such a great support with your uplifting and encouraging words for others…now it is our turn to support you. You will do fine. Xxxxx

Please let us know of your progress. Will be thinking of you.


So you are going to Winnipeg in April, how Canadian eh!

Wishing you nothing but the best possible outcome for you; so all that pain finally just will go away.


PS: For research purposes only, you do need to take a photo Dr. K to post on here. Ok - you can be in it too. (TeeHee a little humor for those bad days)

Oh Mimi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! I got tears when I saw this! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

Great news, Mimi! I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best possible outcome.

Heather, Kim, Gen, Betty, Honey, Donna & Christine, thank you. So nice of you to write and encourage.

LoL @ Kim, I’ll try…ha ha!

Honey, I’ll do my best to get you a pic! ; )

I’m good, I enjoyed a day and a half with minimal pain . Such a treat, and a great reprieve to gain strength as I think Bella said earlier. In the meantime, my eldest daughter is quite sick

( coughing up blood Occasionally for the past 4 weeks, shortness of breath etc) she’s away at University so I’m planning on visiting her for the next two days as she’s having a bronchoscopy
Tuesday morning as all other tests have come back normal. She’s coming home for good in a week, I’ll be glad to have her closer. Focusing really hard on not worrying too much, as we all know stress is not a friend to TN.

(( hugs )) Mimi