MVD's a go, at last

Hi Mimi,

What great news for you, I wish you all the luck in the world that you end up pain free following your MVD, but you must rest following your op and just enjoy everyone else taking care of you for a little while! I was so like you following my call from the hospital, I remember feeling sick to my stomach, I text a good friend of mine on here and then we spoke on the phone which did me the world of good, it settled my nerves a little along with making sense of the reasons why I needed to go ahead with it which are pretty much the same reasons as yourself and many others who need it.

Lets hope that you end up being pain free following your op but even if it ends up you just being on lower meds this has to be better than being on a higher dose :)


Mandy xxx

Hi Mimi
Hoping your pain remains quiet while you travel to be with your daughter. And wishing the best outcome and health for her. You can be strong together. Xo

I wish you all the best. There comes a point in this journey where our conversations change from, "How much Tegretol, Xanex, nortriptyline Percocet do I have to take to’ " enough is enough now,“What can you do for me from a surgical standpoint?” Is there a threshold of suffering before these options are explored? I just did Gamma. I will give it three months and then I am right behind you for the MVD. I am determined to get my life back. I have a pair of running shoes waiting for me and a new grandchild coming. I am a faith based person and will walk through any fire to live a fully realized life. Will light candles and pray for you fellow fire walker.

Wishing you the most successful of outcomes on your upcoming surgery! It's hard not have anxiety in the weeks before. I have had several major sugeries in the past...there's just something about brain surgery that makes it sound super scary, right?! Just listen to your medical team and don't overdo it during the recovery phase! You will be so glad to have your life back!

Wow! I am so happy for you, you are a very brave women, I will be counting the days with you.

You give me hope, actually all of you on here give me hope......... ;)

Thanks Mandy , Lou and bldr, so awesome to read all of your well wishes, tips and support!
I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone…

I’m almost done all my pre-op stuff…just a sleep study left to check for sleep apnea…
My husband gets to sleep with Darth Vader tomorrow night! LoL

The reality only sets in when friends and family start calling or emailing more than normal…
But I remind myself, that if it were them, I’d want to call or write too…

My electric shocks have been increasing everyday on top of the TN2, I’m not talking much as a result…the pain is relentless, I pray for some respite.
Thank you again, Mimi

So sorry to hear you are hurting. It’s so hard I know. I miss so many things. Hang on Mimi. Rest and shut everything out. I listen to the sound of the ocean in a dark room and it helps.sometimes. Nothing wrong with self preservation . Going to my room and putting an ice pack where my frame was installed last Wednesday. Having issues with headaches. Lord I hope I get some relief from the Gamma.

Yay so excited for you!! Even en though I have had some set backs from my mvd surgery…it was still the best decision of my life! I will keep you in my thoughts!

Congrats Mimi! i am 4 weeks out from my surgery and it was best decision of my life too. My pain was increasing everyday as well. I couldn’t even make it to lunch at work before I had to go home. Since surgery I have had some ups and downs but for the most part the pain is all but gone. I get small little twinges of pain but nothing like before. You will do great I will be thinking about u and keep u in my prayers.