
While at work today i received a call i wasnt expecting. Last time i spoke with my neurosurgeon he said he would feel more comfortable with me having my MVD at the hospital’s main campus since it recently changes to bilateral TN. I see him at the end of Dec and thought we would discuss it then…but the call was from my new neurosurgeon and i go on Dec 11th!! I know this is a good thing, but i feel like i lost a couple weeks to mentally prepare for serious surgery discussions!! Now i am super nervous!!

You just got the news, give it time to sink in. It's a big surgery, but one you've been waiting for! I have faith that you'll get used to the idea in not time.

Your friend,


Take a deep breath. This is good news for you. Try to think of it this way you that much closer to being pain free, yeah! I know it’s scary but you will be so much better afterwards. We are all cheering for you and supporting you. It’s okay to be scared, nervous, excited, and any other feeling you may have towards your surgery and the date being moved up. Good luck with your surgery and big hugs.

Many people can resume almost all normal activities at the three week mark -

wouldnt that be a great start to a New Year???

I was terrrrrrrrified -

my top neurosurgeon says for factors that make other brain surgeries (removing a tumor etc)

risky/complex------ that on a scale of 1-10 -

MVD is a 1, the lowest and most quicker recovery than most other brain surgeries!

Keep posting your journey!

I flew across the country for it - and would do it again - but I was soooo scared I took some anxiety meds for a couple of weeks beforehand : )

God bless you and hopefully you will be pain-free by Christmas!

Huge (( hugs )) Sara . We’ll be thinking of you!

Nervous is ok, but dont get yourself all upset. I was a mess before my MVD and now say it was " a much ado about nothing"., the surgery was worth it and I really didnt think it was that bad. I had a ton of complications that no one else would get ( due to my allergies to ...well....everything) and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

You are getting a new lease on life for the holidays

Keep us up to speed


Have you checked the MVD group on this site? I encourage you to check it out. It truly helped me make the decision to do it when I was researching it, helped me through the jitters of it and I was able to ask tons of questions that I knew were to "silly" to ask the NS. I am 4 weeks post MVD and it was the absolute right choice for me. I am virtually pain free.

I would have the surgery tonite if I could! All the best with the surgery and the recovery. Thinking of you.

My appointment with the neurosurgeon is tomorrow. If he asks me when, my answer would be NOW. Good luck to you. You will be fine.