MVD scheduled. Finally

Yae, I finally have a surgery date for my MVD. I will be having it on September 10. I feel like I need to do a crazy amount of stuff to get ready. Yikes, be careful what you wish for folks. While I want this I am scared out of my tree. So glad to know so many of you have had the same surgery and survived. My daughter will keep you all posted.

Oh Patty, I’m so pleased for you!
I know it’s a mixed feeling kinda feeling, I remember it well…
You know I’m rooting for you and will be praying for a successful outcome for you.
We’ve walked a similar TN path and now you’re having Dr.K too, you’re in good steady hands my friend. Keep positive, believe life will be better post MVD. You deserve a break from your pain. Take good care of you and try hard not to let the anxiety pre-MVD get the best of you.
It’s hard but you will be great! This is your best chance for relief, I’m so glad you are almost there! Thinking of you…((( hugs ))), Mimi xx

Hi Patty

My stomach turned when I saw your post because I am waiting for my date in September too. I have an idea of the emotions involved and also that press to get stuff done. I’m going to give the unsolicited advice I give to myself about 10 times a day: take it easy, don’t do too much, you need to save your strength for recovery tra-la tr-la tr-la. I’m scared out of my tree too! Haven’t heard that one in a while-:slight_smile:

Here on the coast in BC the weather has been so perfectly warm and dry and my meds working so well I started to doubt the whole thing. Then it got cold and rained and rained. Oh JC do I remember!

I’m really rooting for you and look forward to updates from your daughter.

Big Hugs

Thanks Mimi and Bellalarke, I really appreciate your grand advice and support. Your suppport is integral in the journey.

Here's a little encouraging news for you. I had MVD 7 weeks ago. Last week wasn't so good but I made up for it this week and felt great. Today was the best I've felt in 2 1/2 years - almost normal!

I hope and pray you come through this as well as I have so far and can enjoy many many days like I had today!!

I was sceeeered…and I went under with remission…I knew that was going to be short lived before MVD…way .longer remissions after!

Hi Patty...perfectly normal to be nervous and scared. Had mine 30 years ago and to this day I can remember the agonizing TN pain that I suffered with but little about the after surgery pain or discomfort. What I am trying to say is that the TN pain far exceeds any temporary discomfort that you will have from the surgery. Before you know it the leaves will be falling from the trees and it will be mid October 1 month post op and you will be doing great.This surgery saved my life and gave me my pre TN life back. Best of luck I am sure you will do just great. 10 days to hopefully being rid of that pain forever. Ed

Best of luck with your surgery! Take your recovery nice and easy, and keep us posted!

well i can not stress enough, stool softeners. LOL good luck. i also found that i did not need the injection pain meds after the first day( dilada or morphine), and the pills, norco or what ever, are easier to tolerate for me, keep that in mind. if you search mvd there is a lot of info from people that have gone through it

Thank you so much for your support and advice. I wil certainly stock up on stool softners Mace :slight_smile: why add to the stress. Ed, you are the voice of hope on this site and I am so glad to have you here. I so much appreciate all these encouragements. You are all wonderful people. Thank you

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, Patty! Praying for you!!