I just wanted to let you know that my surgery has been moved from the 10th to the 13th. I understand the need to bump people and if it was me in need of emergency surgery I would appreciate that being done quickly. I am shocked at how much mental energy is needed to prepare myself for surgery. I thought I had thiughts things thru while considering surgery but once given a date it became a whole different ball game.
I have had eight days of almost nonstop pain. Likely brought on. Y the stress of surgery. Seems strange that exactly what you hope will bring relief initially causes more pain. Well only a few more days. Yikes!!! Only a few more days!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we struggle to do this.
Sorry to hear Patty, I know how those extra 3 days can feel like a lifetime while suffering.
Hopefully time will pass quickly, the relief of pain will be well worth it!
Continued thoughts and prayers, Mimi
Patty..we will be praying for you. Hopefully these will be your final days of TN pain for ever. The 13th will come and be gone before you know it. Soon the leaves will be falling and autumn will be here and you will be well on your way to recovery. I remember my last 7 days before my surgery vividly because it was right over the Christmas holiday.Then the day before my surgery my pain suddenly stopped. For a minute I was thinking of cancelling surgery but I knew the devil that TN is and that it was only playing with my mind. MVD saved my life and gave me a full life back. Confident it will do the same for you Try and keep yourself distracted as much as possible I know its tough. BEST OF LUCK!!!!
Will be waiting for your tales when you have rested for a couple of weeks! My preference is NOT to get out of bed much for 3 weeks --- unless you have no help to cook or whatever... It will be hurt on your neck, your head,
I did get up and sit in chair a couple hours a day after week 2
Some here have slept in chair because not east to sleep in bed without propped up real good on the side that hurts less!
There was a lady in my group in my city -- who started bending down neck and head in garden in week 2 or 3
that was too soon --- it is why she thinks it didn't work to fix MVD ---- so I stayed still because her story! Ask your surgeon.
Last weekend we moved a wonderful leather relciner into the living room right by the patio door where I will spend much of my recovery. We live in a two story condo with all our bedrooms and shower upstairs. We do have a half bath on the main level. I plan on making the main floor my home for a few weeks with the exception of a few visits upstairs to refresh myself so I don’t scare my “nurses”. I am taking, and have been doing so already, notes of what others have learned from their surgery. I so appreciate all the great advice from these good folks. Now I just need to convince my legs to carry me into the hospital on Friday.
Patty...good luck Friday...Dont necessarily expect to be out of commissions for weeks. I slept in my bed on 2nd floor the first day home and within a week was out taking walks in our development. Quite honestly , from what I remember, I was pretty much up and around within a week of coming home. I was ready to go back to work after 2-3 weeks but my wife wouldnt let me because of my unique haircut.Dont push yourself but I am hoping that you are pleasantly surprised and have a quick and easy recovery.....Prayers and thoughts are with you I know you will do just great.....ED
Oops, Patty, just saw your date was moved:) The wait is tough, but a week from now, you won’t believe how fast the time went. Stay strong, think big picture, it will all be worth it!!