What does tn pain in eye feel like? 4 months post mvd-new pain

Hi all. Another follow up visit to the Dr coming up on Nov 5th. So far, the tn pain that I had pre-surgery hasn’t returned. My scar still hurts and sticks out like a huge worm on my neck and head, and my head is mushy and lumpy in the back. I get sharp stabbing pains in my head that only last a moment maybe 10 times a day and often get headaches (what I consider normal headaches but very often) . There’s a large section of my head that is still numb pins and needles but no longer burning. I’ve recently started having electric jabs in the back of my right eye. I’ve never had this before. All my tn pain was in the right jaw, ear, teeth area before. Can anyone tell me what the eye pain tn feels like? I’m afraid of getting it in another branch of the nerve. Is that even possible or probable? Thank you all for your continued support. Hoping you all have a pain free day. Sending you good vibes: Pierre

Hi Pierre, I hope you are feeling better today.. Min