I have a sensation in my right eye, feels like there is a tight rubberband around the back of my eyeball.This symptom started in the past year,my symptoms in general continue to deteriate,my vision is"not right" but, I can't pinpoint exactly what is going. Does any one else have this symptom?
Hi, Latte Lady; I too have eye problems, my opthamologist has been treating with prednisone with fair results. I am thinking it is associated with my TN. Am looking into acupuncture, want to find acupuncturist who is experienced with TN/ The only sane way to handle this is to think it is our cross to bear. Will let you know what I accomplish. Does your eye twitch also? Stardust
I have only had two episodes, but they both started with that exact feeling in my right eye. Quickly progressed to awful pain and thought I was having a stroke or something worse. Had I not been on an airplane, i would have called 911. I just sit here waiting for the next one to hit. My eye still feels 'off' not not painful.
Will pray for you. The eye is so sensative.
Izzygma said:
I have only had two episodes, but they both started with that exact feeling in my right eye. Quickly progressed to awful pain and thought I was having a stroke or something worse. Had I not been on an airplane, i would have called 911. I just sit here waiting for the next one to hit. My eye still feels 'off' not not painful.
I too have eye pain its the worst feels like I almost have the flu sometimes or that someone is tugging on my eyeball like pulling hurts!
I also have the sensation that my eye is being ripped out of my head. Someone has grabbed ahold and is pulling as hard as they can. I have damage in my eye from my TN causing injury but the opthamologist said that the eye damage is not what is causing that sensation. Rather it is the muscles that control the eye that are reacting to the TN and causing this sensation. I am trying to remember exactly how she phrased it but basically the way I understood it is that the muscles are overcompensationg for the reduced nerve control and spasming.
You may notice that as your meds wear off or you are nearing your next dose, the sensation will increase so you may need additional tweaking of your dosages.
I have burning/aching on my eyeballs, occasionally a stabbing pain. Both eyes. Neurontin got rid of all of it but I can't take it due to GI problems. Lyrica has made it bearable. I want to ask my eye doctor about drops to "deaden" my eye. What does everyone use?
I have the feeling that someone is poking my eye with a needle, dreadful!
Jackie I think the eye is far more involved in the TN than Doctors think. My eye is almost central of area of pain. Either directly in eye, at nose, eyebrow or to the side in groove beside eye. Sometimes all. Can go for hours without pain to almost every 10 minutes. Applying ice in washcloth helps sometimes, and counting to 15.
Jackie said:
I have the feeling that someone is poking my eye with a needle, dreadful!
The stabbing pains are probably TN, The burning , aching may be due to dry eye syndrome, sometimes caused by T meds.
Sue Richey said:
I have burning/aching on my eyeballs, occasionally a stabbing pain. Both eyes. Neurontin got rid of all of it but I can't take it due to GI problems. Lyrica has made it bearable. I want to ask my eye doctor about drops to "deaden" my eye. What does everyone use?
I know that Red certainly agrees with your comment. It was he that informed me that this is probably a TN issue :( It is quite a shock to people when you suddenly clutch the eye area and groan loudly!
stardust said:
Jackie I think the eye is far more involved in the TN than Doctors think. My eye is almost central of area of pain. Either directly in eye, at nose, eyebrow or to the side in groove beside eye. Sometimes all. Can go for hours without pain to almost every 10 minutes. Applying ice in washcloth helps sometimes, and counting to 15.
Jackie said:I have the feeling that someone is poking my eye with a needle, dreadful!
I did have dry eye and have been using eye drops. No longer have this problem (per my opthamologist) but the pain continues. Oh joy…
I have this feeling much of the time. It’s hard to describe its like a pulling boring pain, I’ve used the same description like the muscles are being twisted and pulled back so tightly. It feels muscular but then right after I take tegretol, my eye will feel loose as a goose.
I used to have pain in my eye socket but now I have pain in the actual eyeball. It’s quite difficult to describe