The last 2 years, this time of the year, when it starts to getting cooler here, my TN gets worse. Last year in October, I spent 3 days in the hospital, heavily drugged because the pain was so bad. Usually by January, I started to feel better, but for 4 months I am pretty much debilitated by the pain. Yesterday was the first cooler day we have had ( a littler early here in VA) and my pain has dramatically increased yesterday and today. Last year my doc suggested maybe it is allergy related. I took a few allergy meds for a while but it didn't seem to help. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you cope? I am a homeschooling mom of 4 and it is really bad timing for the new school year. I just don't have time for this.
Interesting that you are noticing an increase in pain during the colder weather. We’ve just had winter in Australia and my pain increased and it has just started to improve as we are getting some warmer weather.
My neurologist insists that the hot or cold has nothing to do with my pain but I am sure there is a connection.
It must be tough to be homeschooling when you are in pain. I homeschooled my son for the latter part of his education until he went to uni, it was so much fun.
Forgot to add that I kept the house much warmer this winter so that the pain didn’t start during the early hours of the morning as it got colder overnight. It helped a lot but is not very environmentally friendly, I guess.
Going outside I kept scarves over my face as much as possible, especially if it was windy.
I also notice increased pain with changing seasons. Last year I was off work for 3 weeks at first cooler weather in Ohio and then missed work again in early spring. My pain also seems worse with severe storms. Maybe it is a coincidence but I have noticed a connection.. Each time this happened I missed work just long enough to tolerate the SE of my meds then back to work in zombie mode!
Absolutely hot & cold effect TN. Your doctor is bonkers. Before a storm and when the barometer changes, I get horrible pressure pain and headaches I can't get rid of. My nerve starts to feel like it wiggling around like a mexican jumping bean in my face. It could definitely be worsened by sinus pressure too. I take some benadryl when I start to feel this and hope I don't get a sinus or ear infection. Cold & wind are nothing but trouble for me.
I have been up half the night because of my allergies. The entire right side of my head is throbbing. Im getting read to take a pain med. Yes whenever the pressure changes i realllllllly feel the TN.
If you can keep your house at a high temp (I know thats costly and difficult) but its made the world of difference for me.
If a cold breeze causes TN try a warm to hot air flo to reverse the issue. very lightly at first. I used a hairdryer at min airflow but max temp on my face and it helped
this does not help many but it has helped one or two.
In the car I have the heater on full and blowing in my face when its cold and this helps me.
If you cant have a warm airflow over your face then a heat pillow to reverse the effect?
Colleen, we are EXACTLY the same! ...couldn't have said it better myself. Scarves and hats are our friends, definitely!
Colleen said:
Absolutely hot & cold effect TN. Your doctor is bonkers. Before a storm and when the barometer changes, I get horrible pressure pain and headaches I can't get rid of. My nerve starts to feel like it wiggling around like a mexican jumping bean in my face. It could definitely be worsened by sinus pressure too. I take some benadryl when I start to feel this and hope I don't get a sinus or ear infection. Cold & wind are nothing but trouble for me.
When the humidity drop I actually get relief, but here in Delaware its been 70 degrees the last few days and my pain has gone up a little, I am also having awful allergies.. I went to my primary care and she said my inner nose is swollen from allergies and has me taking nasal spray, but that is drying me out and causing a sore throat. I do think the sinus issue is what is triggering a little more pain, because usually once the humitidy drops I feel much better.
I hear ya on no time for this, I have been out of work since April on disability for this, and want to get back, this is our busy season and I am losing a ton of overtime money sitting home.
I have experienced the same thing. I live in North Carolina and every year about this time my pain comes back. It takes until January or February to get it under control again. Then I do okay until September again. The only think I can figure it that it is due to the cooler weather. I have not found anything to help with this.
Thanks,y'all for all your replies. I guess I just have to ride the wave. It is like that with this monster we fight, isn't it? For a while you are doing okay,then, bam! you are knocked off your feet. I just hope it doesn't take me as long to get back up again as it did last year. Hoping for pain free days for you all!!
Odly enough, it is now 70 degrees here with no humidity,, and my symptoms are almost gone, I am on meds for it, but the pain in my teeth subsided that I usually have all day. I am also taking a ton of anithistamine for allergies and have a killer sore throat, wondering if the antihistamines are actually helping this or the weather