Can pressure changes in weather make it worse?

I've noticed that ever since monsoon season started, I've had to use my lidocaine gel more and increase my meds, especially when it rains. It's odd enough in Colorado where I live that we now have monsoons since it's supposed to be semi-arid (not anymore, thanks to climate change) but to have the barometer change and my face starts hurting more. Any one have any thoughts on this?


Yes!!! I live in Georgia. The weather changes here affect my TN and occipital neuralgia. It is horrible! I can always tell my husband when it is going to rain.

Hi Tkal, I have heard that altitude changes (from one location to another) and plane rides can affect TN. For myself I have noticed that if I bend down (reaching down to pick my tomatoes) especially in heat I can feel TN tremors start so it sounds very reasonable that barometer changes can affect TN. Also heard of increasing blood pressure affecting TN. Take those meds and maybe try a little peppermint or lemon aromatherapy. At least it will smell really good and I have heard it helps some. So sorry your pain is increasing. Sending lots of love. Tina

I live in Michigan and my TN is worse in the spring and fall, right when major weather changes are occurring. If we have a significant drop in temperature (which happens a lot here) I will feel in within 12 hours. It's interesting though, that unlike Birdie, my doesn't flare up until the weather has changes. I can't forecast a storm like she does.

Also, when on a flight from Utah to Michigan, during the descent, I had an explosion of TN pain. I thought my face was going to burst open. Now every time I fly I fear a occurrence of that pain.

Yes, weather changes effect me too. Especially if it gets colder or is going to rain. If it is a major storm system, i know i'm going to be in pain.

I'm happiest when it's dry and hot..and stays that way!


The pressure has definitely made a difference for me.

If the rain is coming, I know it.

I am not sure why this is, but it is fairly common.


Me too, and I live on the west coast. Worst is when the storms are coming and the pressure, etc starts to change. Once a new system has stabilized so do I. You can try taking extra meds a day or two before hand if a big storm is coming.

I also can’t bend down to garden,etc.

Weather that is humid used to set mine off all the time....I dreaded those days, and they still set off headaches for me..lucky me I live on the east coast where its humid all the time....(insert sarcasim here)

I live in TN, and whenever we have changes in the barometric pressure it aggravates everything. It is especially bothering the TN right now.

So what doesn't aggravate TN? This is going to be a long and hard battle. AAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh

My stepfather suggested a hyperbaric chamber might help. I may have to look into that. In theory it might help minimize some of the symptoms -- certainly couldn't hurt me.

Definitely my biggest trigger! I live in St. Louis and can feel storms before they hit KC sometimes. I’m sorry you are having more trouble.

Yes. Weather is a definite trigger for me. I also think anxiety is huge. Having all sorts of pain today x

Does anyone else get nauseated from dealing with the TN? I don't know if it is from the meds -- none of which are new to me -- or if it is simply from the degree of pain, but I am definitely feeling nauseous.

Tina I 'm so sorry to here that bothers you also, we are far from the very many I know that doesn't help much. Many HUGS and pain free monents, hrs, day, and yrs. being sent your way. This I am just going to add here for lack of a better place. (I didn't want to say I didn't. know where to put it) loo I read some where several months back some asking if suboxoxon would take their pain away! I can't speak for tem, I was a zombie on opiods. Untill this past Jan. I was put on suxoboxon to help with with withdrawals, then your labeled as an abusers.The suxboxone took none of my pain away.I am so miserable I can hardlly get this out. So I 'm off opiods, off suxoboxone 'on amtriptaline maxed out, lyrical maxed,heart pressure meds.the little purple pill I wonder why I have ulster's lolthat's my keys not me watch lol. Oh well it will do it later.I have not had a Dr. willing to give me an opiod since I am only taking to a couple to get through the weekend. I would love to her some of you thoughts on this I thought I was doing a good thing. I needed at least a break from them.I never thought I was A big baby to pain but I guess I sure am. This is way more then I can or want to deal with. I have been doing this for now almost 23 yrs I have had medicine, tens unit, nerve blocks, gamma knife, MVD NO ONE CAN SAY I HAV 'NT TRIED!!!!!!! I had to go to the er to get just 6mgs. Of klonapin Oh this is JUST MY EXPERIENCE AND THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER. Would be interestered to here if anyone goes this route but please step lightly and don't. believe everything they tell you to be gospel. PLEASE!!!! PRAY ON IT 1ST.

CappaccinoCutie said:

Does anyone else get nauseated from dealing with the TN? I don’t know if it is from the meds – none of which are new to me – or if it is simply from the degree of pain, but I am definitely feeling nauseous.

I live In Mi. and the last couple days the barometric pressure has been awful I don’t even have to chef I was at the er yesterday for that reason and I was ugly when I came home I was misserable.When it goes up or down quick even a little it messes with me awful!! I. can’t explain why I just know it does and has for 23 yrs. AND IT REALLY SUCKS!!! I WANT OFF!!! FOR REAL!!! If this doesn’t make us wacky nothing will, well maybe some of the meds. BIG HUGS!!

I know that pain makes me nauseous like crazy. When I have migraines I start vomiting. Also, right before I was diagnosed and put on a med that worked I kept taking percocet like candy (I thought it was my tooth) and it made me really sick. When I was on trileptal I was vomiting every other day, which is why I went off that med. What helped somewhat is sucking on ginger candy. You can usually get some in the larger grocery stores. But I learned that you have to keep in in your mouth, if you just eat it the nausea comes back. Ginger tea works but you have to constantly drink it which is why the candy is better. I usually bite off a little and suck on it because the ginger cant be hot if you eat an entire piece. I recommend Chimes ginger in chews in orange and Mango flavors and Reed's. It works and doesn't have any side effects however the antinausea pills work better if you handle the side effects.

CappaccinoCutie said:

Does anyone else get nauseated from dealing with the TN? I don't know if it is from the meds -- none of which are new to me -- or if it is simply from the degree of pain, but I am definitely feeling nauseous.

I think we all need to live in a domed city where the weather is constant and controlled and legislate pain clinics into law so that we can get painkillers when we need them and we could invite others with other types of neuralgia! And we could mandate that they put people in coma's while going through the worst attacks. I'll keep dreaming.

I don't think you are a big baby. This pain is so unbelievable. After this there is no way torture would work, you'd just laugh in their faces. You think this hurts? Ha! And the abuser part. I don't know how we can get away from that. Right now it's our culture. Canada is worth a try but they still need a prescription to send it. Unless you can talk to one of their Dr,'s on the phone and tell that person. I've gotten other types of meds through Canada and it's about a third the cost and reputable. It's also legal, even though our government wants you to think that it's not because the pharm companies want you to pay the big bills. Right now I am on a cocktail of Nortriptyline, tramadol (which helps some people with pain), and klonipin. Tramadol is another drug you could try. It's supposed to be a weak opioid and not addictive, but they are started to discover some people do get hook on it. But it's worth a try. Remember people in pain are less likely to get hooked on pain pills. They don't know why but most don't. Here in Colorado, TN is on the list for medical marijuana but I haven't gone that route yet.But I certainly will when the time comes. I am not looking forward to winter this year, I can tell you. I can't even go in the garage or my face feels like it's on fire.

Dawn Monarch said:

Tina I 'm so sorry to here that bothers you also, we are far from the very many I know that doesn't help much. Many HUGS and pain free monents, hrs, day, and yrs. being sent your way. This I am just going to add here for lack of a better place. (I didn't want to say I didn't. know where to put it) loo I read some where several months back some asking if suboxoxon would take their pain away! I can't speak for tem, I was a zombie on opiods. Untill this past Jan. I was put on suxoboxon to help with with withdrawals, then your labeled as an abusers.The suxboxone took none of my pain away.I am so miserable I can hardlly get this out. So I 'm off opiods, off suxoboxone 'on amtriptaline maxed out, lyrical maxed,heart pressure meds.the little purple pill I wonder why I have ulster's lolthat's my keys not me watch lol. Oh well it will do it later.I have not had a Dr. willing to give me an opiod since I am only taking to a couple to get through the weekend. I would love to her some of you thoughts on this I thought I was doing a good thing. I needed at least a break from them.I never thought I was A big baby to pain but I guess I sure am. This is way more then I can or want to deal with. I have been doing this for now almost 23 yrs I have had medicine, tens unit, nerve blocks, gamma knife, MVD NO ONE CAN SAY I HAV 'NT TRIED!!!!!!! I had to go to the er to get just 6mgs. Of klonapin Oh this is JUST MY EXPERIENCE AND THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER. Would be interestered to here if anyone goes this route but please step lightly and don't. believe everything they tell you to be gospel. PLEASE!!!! PRAY ON IT 1ST.