Can pressure changes in weather make it worse?

I have noticed that when the barometric pressure drops due to storms coming in, I get the tingly, creepy crawly feelings in my face and sometimes I will even progress to getting shocks.

My brother and I both have TN and can tell the weather pattern a day before it arrives. The barometric pressure absolutely effects TN! Our joke is that we can start a Trigeminal Neuralgia Weather Center, we’d put the meteorologists out of business!

Today has been a bad day all the way around. It seems like my entire body is wanting to turn into one giant spasm... the baclofen doesn't seem to be helping. And the TN seems to be more Type 2 today. I was advised by my primary care dr. not to take the tramadol within 8 hours of the tegretol (I can't remember the proper spelling of carbarazapime). Anyway, he wants me to take hydrocodone with it instead. And I was advised to back off on the gabapentin while I am taking the tegretol. So far tonight I have taken baclofen, hydrocodone, tegretol, tarazodone. I am so sleepy it isn't funny, but I hurt to dang much to sleep. Sorry to vent, I just wish I could do something about the weather.

Right now I'm on nortriptyline and had to increase it because my cheek and teeth were getting to that point. I understand all the meds you are taking. At my worst on I was taking so many different things to stop the pain, and this was before I was diagnosed. I nearly passed out and had to call my DH to come home and watch me sleep in case I stopped breathing (which was an option at that point). I try and get ahead of the pain but that doesn't always work either. Winter is coming and I have to pretty much stay indoors as my face feels like it's on fire in the cold.