ive been waiting over 1 week for my results to come back from my mamargrom when i went to the hosptail i had 4 done in less than half hour i was not feeling very well with having my normal face pain and then 4 mamagrames then no informaction of the doctor.so today i phone the hospatil up and ask have they got any results and they want me back in 3 augaust just so they can give me a scan to rule out what they saw on the mamergram iam feeling very low at the moment and cant cope with the stress and pain of my tn so iam just going to keep a postive taught in my head that every thing going to be ok
I'm sorry you are having to deal with both at the same time
Can you get an anti anxiety med and/or topical lidocaine for your TN? Stress flares TN More!
Keep posting - you are NOT alone!
Lorraine, I am thinking of you dear. It must be very hard for you. if it is ultra sound that you are having remember that is not painful. Being positive is a very good idea, why worry about what you don't know. I will be thinking of you and just know you will come back next week to tell us all how you fare. How old are you Lorraine?
hi ya jackie thanks for lovely reply iam 45 ive gone to ireland to visit my family then when i go to uk will be going to hosptail for ultra scan thanks for my gift its lovely xx