Why me

not only do i have tn i also had to go and have a mamargrome done 3 weeks ago i waited for them to give me my results and the letter came back now i only have to go and have it done aguin my sister just had a mastestey done 6 months ago and my mnm had her to breasts removed aswell my tn has been realy bad pain with me worring about this and stressing i have been awake since 4 in the morning with bad tn pain and couldent sleep

Hi Lorraine,

Sending you a big hug from “down under”.

I am sorry you have a new worry but do try and remember that lots of people get call backs for repeat mammograms.
I imagine the experiences of both your mum and sister make you more anxious about the results but all you can do is take it one day at a time (easier said than done, I know).

Can you take some time now to do something that helps you relax…maybe a warm bath with a good book???

Hope everything works out ok, sending you lots of positive thoughts.


hi trish thanks for kind message yes iam a bit worried but i do hope nothing is wrong as breast cancer runs a line line in my family thank you xxx

Lorraine, I have had BC nine yrs ago, everything was very immediate for me, the wait you have had tells me there does not seem anything too urgent. I agree, with your family history I well imagine your worry. Worrying is the thief of time and life. Better to worry about concrete diagnosis's and not the unknown, will you come back and tell us the outcome please? Big hugs, I am on your side.

hi i had to have 4 mamagrames doen today on my left breast they seen some thing on the first one thats why i had other 3 but then the doctor said i can go home and wait a week for results it so very pain full having it done and i was in pain with my face aswell i was getting very stressed and the pain was getting worse iam only hoping it comes back of thanks for your concern xx

Lorriane, we are all on your side, when I was diagnosed I was kept in clinic for hours and had 2 biopsies. I saw about 6 different technicians and was eased into the fact that a good outcome was not expected from the biopsy results. Your situation seems different to mine and that's why I hope for a better and different outcome than mine. ((Big hugs))

thanks toy jackie for my gift it is lovely my mum phned me today to see what they said she was crying on the phone because she thinks she the blame for us having all the mamangroms done and its 5 daughters she got and always worries about us and our boobie as she call them thanks take care xxxxxx

I feel for you both Lorraine, I have a beloved daughter also, it is a worry we share. Xxx

I’m sorry about this. I have agree with the others about the wait. If they would have seen anything of concern you would not be waiting too long. All of my friends whom have battle breast cancer had more tests the day of the mammogram or the next day. You would of had a call from doctor about the results of been called in asap rather than a letter if the results were bad. There was not a wait period of weeks inbetween for a repeat test or any other additional tests for any of these friends. It still must be scarey still with your family history. Try to help your relax. Try a nice bubble soak, or better yet eat a lot of really pod chocolates or some god ice cream. Big hugs to you. Sorry your having this added stress.

thank you to every one for your kind thoughts and ive just had a lovely hot bubble bath of lavender ive just finished the last book of shades of grey.wow what a book.good nite god bless xxxxxxxxx

Wow - shades of grey - 3 women at the pool on vacation were reading it - I hope your results are fine. I would ask doc for anti anxiety med like clonazapam because it will lessen your stress which in turn might lessen your TN intensity.

So sorry, Lorraine. I am praying for you and your family! I really hope it turns out to be fine when it is redone. Hope everything turns out fine, and you are able to get rid of all the stress...Stress just hurts us more. =( Sorry you have to go through this!

Hi Lorraine, I am so sorry for you. The stress you are having now has negative effect to your TN, so please try to relax. (easier said than done) . Face the challenge, maybe everything turns out fine eventually .
Regards (hugs)

Such a rough patch for you, sweetie! My heart and prayers go out to and for you. Peace, sweet peace to cover you from head to toe. Like a soft snuggie blanket. Please post and let us know of your progress. We are all sending cyber hugs to you :slight_smile: