Normal - is that a good thing?

Regular MRI - normal; Dye MRI - normal; radiologist suggested looking for vascular loop - another MRI-normal

Proves I don't have a tumor, which makes them still lean toward TN (not that I was surprised by that at all!)....

Follow up with the nuerologist in a few weeks.

Thanks for all your support and understanding!!

do you know if the last MRI was a “thin slice?” do you have your report, and can you provide the text? do you see the word FIESTA anywhere on the report?


Well, in this case Kristal - normal is good :slight_smile: means nothing nasty (besides TN) is going on in there, as for some people unfortunately it is these nasty things that cause their TN. So, you can be pleased about that! Let us know what the neurologist says?



Yes, I had a fiesta thin slice with contrast as well - this type of MRI does twice as many slices, and much closer together, than the standard MRI. Something that you might request if they tell you that your normal MRI is normal. My offending vessel did not show up on a regular MRI, but did on the fiesta.

My neourologist said my MRI came back normal as well and I told him it wasn’t necesaary to exaggerate!

Lily said:

Yes, I had a fiesta thin slice with contrast as well - this type of MRI does twice as many slices, and much closer together, than the standard MRI. Something that you might request if they tell you that your normal MRI is normal. My offending vessel did not show up on a regular MRI, but did on the fiesta.

I’m not sure if it was thin or not, but I know I have over a dozen slides. Don’t see ‘fiesta’ anywhere. Will talk with nuero about it tho!

vesper venustas said:

do you know if the last MRI was a “thin slice?” do you have your report, and can you provide the text? do you see the word FIESTA anywhere on the report?