Another MRI?! Useful or useless?

My Dr. Wants me to get another MRI. In 2006 I had my first MRI when my tn first presented itself and it showed an unrelated vascular abnormality. I had two follow ups to make sure the abnormality was no big deal over the course of two years. My TN continues and my new neuro wants a new MRI 5 years since the last one. Someone please tell me this isn’t a giant waste of money. If my previous three didn’t show anything, is this one likely to?!

Thoughts? Experiences?

If it is cost factor, ask for one called slice or fiesta…highest of new tech developed now! It’s not cheaper but will get monies worth.

Then, worth it.

But if a neuro guy asks me to get another MRI, I absolutely would, but lets do the best, newest type of MRI if possible! May have to travel for that?

If paid for, still find best machine!

Let us know!

I'm definitely willing to travel, I am just not the most comfortable asking a Dr. for a type of MRI. It makes me feel like I am telling the Chef how to cook. How does one go about doing that??

I put in search above "Fiesta" -- because MRI by itself here, would bring up thousandssss of hits here! I found two posts here - but I'm sure you could get more here.


I went to see a Neurosergeon for a second opinion- and he had me to a CISS/ or FIESTA Sequencing MRI. This zooms in 3d on the Trigeminal Nerve and he was able to see the actual nerve that intertwined with my blood vessel- I had me MVD that month- 3 weeks ago. Please, I beg you see get another opinion (with a surgeon!) and to get this specific scan done along with the regular MRI - its not done often- the imaging people havn't even heard much of it.


the FIESTA sequence is used in a trigeminal protocol scan. FIESTA is an acronym for fast imaging employing steady state acquisition. imaging technicians in major metropolitan cities are familiar with it.

So now phone your doc/nurse and tell them you did some research AND you need to also google your nearest metropolitan area! Poof! All you need is his referral! Newest, latest, greatest tech on MRI !

The doctor is not the boss of TN or treatment - he is to be your partner ! If he won't do it, go to a doctor who specializes in TN and specializes on helping people with TN !

If you want a new med - research it - you can read and ask here every day, for a year, and learn as much as you need to know for TN - learn until you get pain relief !

There are many neurologists, but only a small percentage will admit they are Stumped by TN.

They only get ONE paragraph or ONE page / in ALLLL their training ! That's why we have to find what helps us best!

Do you want an MVD? I read on here for 1 year, and got on a plane from MO to MI. Got the best MVD surgeon. This is the anniversary of two years and no pain.

I guess because my previous MRIs didn't show any compression on my trigeminal nerve I never considered MVD. I'm a very scientific person, I like proof. Too bad MRIs aren't great at showing some compressions. I am not very comfortable with an exploratory MVD. Not at this point anyhow. I still have hope in medication because I haven't maxed out on tegretol, and hope not to! But boy are these side effects something. I can't wait for my body to adjust.

Did you find a fiesta yet?

That’s why I went ONLY to THE MVD guru…he doesn’t need to see it on a film…he just knows. He’s the only one still doing this since 1970’ s

Mine was not seen on regular MRI,

and after I answered his pain scale by email,

then questions he asked again day before MVD…

He found I had two and had them clamped with Teflon and done in a little over an hour.

I had to research this all of course, and found new stats say, get MVD.

Within first three years if possible… So I did… Up to five years can be best odds now…

But don’t do gamma knife’. Read all you can!