
My doctor just called me and said they did the wrong MRI! They say I need to have the FIESTA MRI done?? Why and what is the difference??

I stopped counting after my 24th MRI - (I have the CD's)

With-W/Out Contrast / Thin-slice, fat-slice:P)'s not THAT funny, though it is to me. More often than not, the technicians have to wake me, as I find great comfort and diversion in the BANG-BANG-CLANG-CLANG. I have never taken any medications offered prior to this procedure, or any of the following;

Lost count after over 12 assorted CAT/PET-Scans, (cats are pets:))

6 LP's, (again funny, they used to be vinyl, old people's joke;))


Please add a few, several-many-other tests, and some gallons of blood-panels.

Dawn, be Grateful that your Doctor has the wisdom of a Carpenter, you know, "measure twice, cut once".

Are you seeing a Neurologist? Be good:P)! bob

Same here. No nerve compression detected. I wonder what a Fiesta MRI is! Thus far, they've only done an MRI of my brain. My Pain Management Specialist said that I would need an MRI of my "Posterior Fossa" (sp?). I asked, "the one that would show the cranial nerves"? She replied "Yes". I told them I had Trigeminal Neuralgia. I don't know whether to scrap this Neuro, or not. She diagnosed me with ATFP, when I am textbook ATN. She generalized what had already been classified.

Personally, I think I will soldier on to find another Neuro.

Good luck to all out there trying to find a Neurologist who knows squat about TN!!! Seriously, good luck.

I hope there are more out there, and soon!

Blessings to you all,


P.S. The 6 piece collection, "The Best and Worst of Bob's Brain", with assorted bonus features! I fall asleep in the MRI chamber too. They go out of their way to make you comfortable .