I am hoping for some opinions or experiences with MRI vs MRI w/ Contrast results please?
I had a phonecall this week, a Radiologist asking me back for further MRI, this time with contrast. I was told after a meeting between specialist and radiology, they have decided to ask me to come back. I nearly did a happy dance believe it or not, I felt that was good news! I was asked to come next Monday 4th May but couldn't make it until the 12th May. I am questioning all the possible reasons behind and trying not to read into it too much but of course, wondering where this is going.
A bit of background: My Neurosurgeon ordered my last one in March with contrast, but the Radiologists decided they could get a good picture without it. I asked them if I would be called back for contrast but they told me a definite No. (asking as I travel 3 hours drive each way which is a long day on the road with bumps and TN, but I would walk there barefoot if I had to lol). I really dislike the contrast dye injection as I can hear it travel in, weird popping flush sounds, and also I have an adrenaline rush which makes me feel sick and shaky. Not to mention the bam bam baaam sounds are a trigger. Not so fun. The machine itself was a finer slice similar to Fiesta, smaller than a normal outpatients mri machine.
I had thought my chance at discovering more about my TN (1 & 2 Bilateral) through MRI result was over last month, when my Neurosurgeon told me I had no arterial compression but veins around/with the nerve which is a normal result. Many, more than half of people have the same, and no TN. He viewed to mri pictures on his computer in front of me. He was really great about it all and explained that he couldn't operate or do anything intrusive based on this result. I appreciated his honesty although hard to hear, medication is my only option. He is a renowned Neurosurgeon and I respect and trust his opinion.
I am trying not to get my hopes of answers up again, (ironic isn't it! How we hope for actual results) and be better informed about the MRI itself. Telling myself this is a precautionary MRI coming up only, to double check the first one, like a legality. I know my Neurosurgeon wouldn't order this MRI without good reason as his closing letter to my Family Doctor said he would not be seeing me again in the near future, as he is unable to help me at this stage.
Thanks for reading all of the above, yes I tend to overthink I know! Would welcome input or words of wisdom, good or bad I just appreciate having a place to talk to others who understand :)
hmmm wonder why they didn't do it the first time hope you have good insurance. jeez. I know the feista and tesla are the best mris for looking for a vessel on the nerve. they actually found it on both sides for me thought i would be happy with this result but i was devestated. For I am not willing to risk the chance of it getting worse I am on a med that is helpful for me or yes i would prob go for it.
Thanks jstgrl29 for your reply, I rang ahead today and Radiology told me they have decided for a review as the other MRI did not show enough detail on the nerve in some area. Basically a general answer, that the contrast MRI is needed to complete the report. So I will be back in again on the 12th, which I am very grateful for, there may be an answer or may not, but I am thankful they are so thorough!
LOL I have become nocturnal Penelope P! I find it hard to fall asleep as my pain volume button seems to increase right before I drop off to dreamland, and then wakes me up again. At least a few times a night. I read until I cannot keep my eyes open any longer. I am about to go to bed though..how about you?
Thanks Osobucks1, yes it was on the original MRI request but the Radiologists chose not to do it. I've had both before but on an general outpatients MRI machine. It's illogical and ironic of me to want something found, but I've got my fingers crossed they find something to explain my TN. I just wonder whether the contrast can show anything not already seen on the standard MRI.
All my MRIs have been with contrast. Not sure if this helps, but that's what my neurologists and neurosurgeons have ordered.
As we are from the same neck of the TN Woods, I have to admit you ha got me all curious here.
Note: Please be aware I am a total medical numbskull (TN: ‘numb skull’ geddit? Lol!) so I tend to not understand anything about this kinda stuff. Some might say it is a defence against the harsh realities of all this medical treatment malarkey, but I say I truly am a health sciences ignoramus. Honest!
I had thought (presumed) until reading your post that all brain MRIs are done with contrast? You go into the scary tunnel, they take lotsa pictures & some time later they stick you with the dye thingamabob & even more pics are taken and boom (not literally - that would be very bad in a radiography department!) that’s your MRI.
Is that what we call an ‘MRI with contrast’?
Gawd! I feel like such a doofus!
PS: is there somehow you could signal me with your eyes (not if eye movement is a trigger) if willing - the name of your neuro? I think I know who it might be, but I would like to be sure I am not missing out on some obvious name while my brain is unable to process info like it once might have.
Notice I have done nothing to offer you any assistance whatsoever? No knowing anything sure leaves me having to pad my posts a LOT!
I thought it funny that two TNers (one confirmed & one confused!) were awake late at night on this end of the world. I wanted to say "Howdy!" then quickly while I wrote my longer message to you. I see I did not @ or directly reply to you when I did post. I am wondering if you would be willing to share that neuro's name? Me thinks me needs an appointment.
P x
mel77 said:
LOL I have become nocturnal Penelope P! I find it hard to fall asleep as my pain volume button seems to increase right before I drop off to dreamland, and then wakes me up again. At least a few times a night. I read until I cannot keep my eyes open any longer. I am about to go to bed though..how about you?