How to Live Everyday

I am getting to the point where I am so tired of pretending to the world that I am functionable. My son is amazing and great but the last thing i wanted for him in his life was to have a single mom who is constantly complaining about being in pain. When the weather is bad or the pressure drops my attacks seem to come quickly. Now that I have had insurance for a while I have been starting to get my dental work taken care of. This comes with its own nightmares. I seem to be getting pain in my tastebuds on the sides of my tongue as well. My entire left ear, throat, tongue, and face are in such pain. Then the dreaded taste mix-up had to come! Things starting to taste funny or not taste at all. Lips going numb and feeling scratchy. How do you explain this to people? What do they think when they see you crying in the car? I am not one for caring too much what other think of me but I am finding it harder and harder to drag myself out of bed every morning and stay awake to do the minimal things of the day. Laying down every night to go to sleep is proving torturous because it is constant pain the entire night! I finally landed a great job that should support my son and I but it is on the phone which is the worst possible job for someone with GPN. Can someone send me a millionaire really quickly so I never have to work again? LOL joking

A few weeks ago it started a cycle for me after I had the stomach flu. I missed a day of meds and once I could hold them down i immediately took them. Btu there all my symptoms were. It has been a downward spiral from there. There are days I think i should be walking around with a Michael Jackson mask on so I dont get sick! lol I hope this week-long cycle ends soon cause I have just about had it.