Ever since I was diagnosed with TN I've noticed or wondered if anyone else experiences these things too. . .
The morning after i have allot of pain, I blow my nose and huge green or red blobs come out of one or both nostrils. There isn't normally anything like that.
My face really hurts around my period. For about 15 days in a row my face hurts really bad.
When the pressure goes over 102KpAs I find my face hurts the most. If there is an upcoming storm or change in weather I am well aware of it!!
My face pain seems to come in waves. My face with either hurt or twitch(or sometimes both) for 30mins, then stop for 40mins and repeat.
My pain seems to affect the following areas: sinuses, teeth, jaw, ears, eyes, back of throat, nose, cheek and forehead and the scalp. The pain seems to affects certain areas really bad for 2.5 months and a the other places come and go during that time.
Applying makeup really aggravates my face pain. So does talking, smiling and laughing. I find if my face hurts that if i eat i feel better instantly, doesn't make much sense though, and I can't eat all the time.
When my face really hurts. I spend my time in my room, lying on my bed with sunglasses on, with the curtains drawn, chewing gum cause my ears and jaw hurt.
I have nights that i can't sleep cause I'm in soo much pain.
I have had CT scans of my face, MRI's of my head and I've tried carbamazepine, amitriptylene, nortriptylene. Gabapentin helps but its definately not enough relief. I see a chiropractor and accupuncturist regularly. I should be going to a pain management clinic soon.