Cold Laser Treatments

I have found relief that has allowed me to reduce medication and function better daily…

I had TN symptoms back in Sept. 2015 after having wisdom teeth extracted. Mine was very odd in that the pain was only in the evening but pain free while I slept and during the day so I was able to function at work. I was fortunate where the symptoms only lasted 10 days. I was never diagnosed with TN but the shocking, excruciating and jolting pain in my right jaw indicated I may have had it. I didn’t have the sensitivity as well, I could wash my face, eat, brush my teeth with no problem.
Anyway, I went to a chiropractor and had cervical adjustments and laser treatments to my jaw along with a regimen if tumeric and and B12. I’m fortunate in that I’ve been pain free since. I still take tumeric and B12. I think the laser treatment really did help and I have seen this study as well.

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