Low level laser therapy used on scar tissue causing TN?


I was wondering if anyone could give me some information on the use of low level laser therapy as a treatment option for TN.

I see an acupuncturist once a week and he always asks me how I feel. He's had good success treating TN in people before me but so far I seem to be a failure. I told him that neither the acupuncture nor the Neurontin and B vitamins have been of much help so far.

He says that possibly my permanent inflammation of jaw joints could be a problem. Another problem is the scar tissue that is a result of my dental surgeries; he says that if the nerve got trapped in the scar there's a constant pressure that's causing the pain and there is not much anyone can do about it. He said that possibly a low level laser therapy could help, but that it's just an unqualified guess (he's a doctor but not a neurologist). I have no idea how it works, I know that laser is used in cosmetic treatment of scars but can't imagine how it could help with the neuralgic pain, any suggestions? Thank you for sharing your opinions, experience etc.



I used laser therapy for a neck injury from whiplash, it helped me tremendously. I could not turn my head at all , and the muscle spasms were awful. It really eased that up, not sure if it would help with tn, you pose an interesting question. It may be something to explore
