Botox for TN

Has anyone tried botox injections? My doc is encouraging me to try...

I have seen reports on sites that it works one person stated the first time it worked the next 2 didn't. I am looking to try that too, if you get it done let me know how it turns out.

a couple of websites on the subject:

I will...Im researching insurance coverage at this point.

Wondering if anybody has tried this here on the forum, and what their results were?

I might be trying this soon. My doctor will be using only a few units to start. He says there's about a 50% chance of it working.

Kathy said:
Wondering if anybody has tried this here on the forum, and what their results were?

The answer is a week ago I got Botox for migraines plus he added all of the muscle and nerve areas of my face and jaw. I noticed different areas on my face felt a tad bit different but I may not be the best. Candidate. I am now fighting atypical TN and also neurosurgeon thinks that the titanium plate on my head needs to be removed because it is so painful. I would be willing to try it again in the next three months but I don’t think insurance will cover it so I’m hoping he will continue adding it because of migraines. We shall pray that it will be a viable treatment but it most certainly will not be a quick fix.Good luck to you after you’ve talked to the doctor I would love to know your feelings. I would get it done again as it took three months or so before I was able to handle the Botox for the migraine