Botox injections

Hi has anyone had any luck with Botox injections? I get this severe 24/7 baseline pain along with shooting pains and my neurologist has suggested 31 Botox injections , hmmm I know people have said it’s worked but I’m not so keen on having toxins injected in to me even though I trust my doctor I don’t trust having Botox lol I have enough problems already

You look so young for botox, I have often wondered if it could help me with the muscle spasms in my face especially in my temple and eye area.I'm 31 don't want to mess up my face with some crazy plastic surgeon. If you find a good one let me know please.

The neurologist does it , 31 injections are given all in the facial area and apparently it can have help with the pain , it is supposed to work with migraine sufferers … I’m 37 and not sure I’m keen on toxins injected in to me it’s bad enough all these drugs I’ve been given for pain relief etc

She was hoping they’d work with the severe baseline pain I get

I've gotten Botox injections for migraine for the last several years. Until TN game into my life 2 years ago, I got great relief from my migraines. Not so much lately. Maybe the last round of injections (you get them every 3 months) didn't take as well. I'm also entering the menopause phase of life, and I'm beginning to search for relief from the migraines and heavy bleeding that come with it. Going to the GYN tomorrow for that problem! I think you have nothing to lose by trying the Botox injections. I get them all across my forehead, all around my scalp, down my neck, and across the trap muscle. They're a little uncomfortable, but I think they work pretty well. They cost thousands per visit, so make sure your health insurance covers the expense (or most of it).

I have had Botox injections for chronic migraines for the past 3 years. I went from 22 migraines per month to 9-11 per month. Botox has been a true life saver for me. I have had not positive effect on my TN 1 and 2 from the Botox, however. Sadly, the TN tends to be a trigger for migraines. I get an additional injection in my left trap, so 32 shots every 3 months for me. I am so very grateful there is this help for me. No positive affect from Botox on TN pain; so, onward to addressing the progressing TN pain, which is just as adversely impacting my quality of life as the chronic migraines had been. Cannot tolerate any of the meds. Considering MVD. Scary to me.

im so desperate i’m considering trying botox for my facial pain. i think i mentioned to my doc & she said no, to try the meds first. this is just horrible! i hate life right now :frowning:

Have you tried Relpax for your migraines, I have found it to help tremendously for mine over the years.