Has anyone try acupuncture for the releived of the pain ? Or chiropather I know I mispelling the word but Chiropater. In orange county there meeting once a month and a chiro is speaking about brain compression has anyone try this method or the acupunture. Please let me know.
hi , ive tried accupuncture and all it did was make me more chilled out,it did nothing for my pain,but i have heard of others having good results,i dont no any one who has seen a chiropractor so i cant help there
Right now it now hurting like last week was unbearable but on too many medication, did you stop taking your medication and did acuputure? And how many treatment have you had? Thank you for you reply alsol
I have been going to a Chiropractor for treatment. He thinks there is little he can do. He said that the trigeminal nerve is the only nerve in the body that goes directly from the brain to the face. Never touching the spine. The only hope is if the position of your head or jaw maybe putting direct presure on the area. I can say one thing. My tonge burns constantly, since my meds work a little now, but after just one adjustment it has gone away. There are some good videos on youtube.com about chiropractors who specialize in tn. I believe one is in orange county ca.