Hi, I haven't seen too much at this web site on Acupuncture. I 've had 5 visits in 2 weeks and I cut my medication in half and feel like I can quit all meds very soon. I was on at least 400mgs of Carbamazepine. I sure hope this development is the result of Acupuncture and not just the end of another GPN episode. I recommend everyone try Acupuncture as soon as possible. It started by less frequency and less intensity of shocks. Please !!! TRY ACUPUNCTURE
Hi Tippir,
This sounds really promising - has anyone else tried Accupuncture?
I tried it with a session yesterday with my acupuncturist whom I have used in the past for other minor issues and have another session booked tomorrow. No difference yet, but I am willing to try anything.
Hi Trippir, do you know which points your acupuncturist is treating ( like where he put the needles)? Cheers
Hi Chetty,
Any update on your second session?
Chetty said:
I tried it with a session yesterday with my acupuncturist whom I have used in the past for other minor issues and have another session booked tomorrow. No difference yet, but I am willing to try anything.
Smiley I worked yesterday (24 hour shift) and would say that overall I have noticed a slight improvement, in that the level & frequency of my pain has lowered somewhat. I am still using my Lidocaine spray after I talk for a bit to mitigate the pain that appears in my throat. And I also spray in order to chew solid foods, but Sunday for the first time in awhile I was able to eat. So far I had 2 acupuncture sessions last Thur/Sat. I am planning more. With me, she puts the needles in my feet (where laces would be), between thumbs & index fingers, very top of my head, and behind my ears.
Hi Chetty
My Acupuncture is working the same way !! Less frequency & less intense. At times I can go 4 days or so without Carbamazepine. I was taking 400 to 500 mg daily. Now when it flares up I can get by with 1 or 2 100gm chewables.
So far I've had 8 sessions of Acupuncture, twice a week. I'm going to try going once a week. My symptoms are just pain while eating & speaking. My Dr. said this GPN is rare , about 8 out of a million people.
I need help navigating around this web site, at times I'm totally lost. Hopefully you get this reply...
ps: stay with the Acupuncture, My right jaw area is the affected area, needles go mostly in the left hand between the thumb & index finger on top. All in all I get about 20 needles, both hands, both feet, 2 in the legs and He gave me 3 in the back of the head Monday.
Keep with it, Good Luck !! Rick
Chetty said:
Smiley I worked yesterday (24 hour shift) and would say that overall I have noticed a slight improvement, in that the level & frequency of my pain has lowered somewhat. I am still using my Lidocaine spray after I talk for a bit to mitigate the pain that appears in my throat. And I also spray in order to chew solid foods, but Sunday for the first time in awhile I was able to eat. So far I had 2 acupuncture sessions last Thur/Sat. I am planning more. With me, she puts the needles in my feet (where laces would be), between thumbs & index fingers, very top of my head, and behind my ears.
Wow trippir, good to hear of your success! I am going to let my girl know where you are getting your needles. I am still taking 1300 mg of Carbamazepine daily although a few weeks ago the effectiveness of the meds wore right off almost totally. My neurologist introduced Baclofel last week with 10 mg daily and I am now taking 20 mg per day. It is a muscle relaxant not an anti-seizure drug, so I don't know what her thinking is about it.
Do you use the lidocaine (xylocaine) at all?
Sounds really promising guys :)
Had my third session of acupuncture yesterday. Needles on tops of my feet, between thumb & index finger, some in rear of my neck, one in chest, one top of head. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but today I am almost totally pain-free. Whereas 2 weeks ago I was feeling desperate as the pain had come roaring back through the meds (1300 mg carbamazepine) I am still taking.
Regardless, I am a believer of acupuncture at the moment!
I have had 4 sessions in less than two weeks - I can honestly say that it has made a huge difference. I am not in a situation where I can take drugs at the moment so acupuncture was my only hope short term. I am glad, not looking back. Aiming to go at least once a week. Definitely a path to explore!
Good to hear Virginie! I have had my 4th session a couple days ago and will have another tomorrow. I do feel that it provides short-term pain relief.
I mentioned this to a neurosurgeon I saw in Toronto last week for the first time (thanks to a referral I saw on these forums). She agreed that acupuncture can provide some relief from the pain, although it should be maintained at least twice weekly so the costs add up.
I may as well mention here that this neurosurgeon looked at the MRI on CD that I brought with me that had been conducted in London Ontario. It was insufficient to provide a detailed image required for proper diagnosis of GPN. I will be returning to Toronto to have a more detailed MRI with specialized imaging to look at the nerves & micro blood vessels in the area. Then the Dr. can better plan for surgery if required.
Thats lovely to hear Chetty! it is indeed a great short term solution - unfortunately, I agree that the cost add up too!
Merry Christmas