5-Point Scalp Acupuncture (Chinese)


Has anyone tried Chinese Scalp Acupuncture for their TN? I located 3 practitioners in NJ who offer this. I am wondering if it is worth a try???


No I considered it but hear so many mixed reviews about how their TN got worse and am scared of that. Please let us all know if you decide to do it and how it effected your pain. Thanks

Have not heard of it

Hi Joan,

Joan was my mother's name...I miss her so much! I also have an " Aunt" Joan (my mom's best friend from kindergarten...she's 77 and still rides her bike one mile everyday if the weather permits)

I am going to try it and I will let you know how it goes. Deciding between 2 practitioners now. I think I will go to the Chinese woman MD I found online in Princeton, NJ. It's quite a long ride, but if she can help me, great! I'll let everyone know how it goes in a few weeks.

Acupuncture cured my TN and TMJ. Need to find someone who has success with treating your symptoms. The needles were never place near my pain areas. He did place a needle in my head, and several on my right thigh the areas he said effects the left side of the face and jaw, my problem area. One year free of pain, thanks to him. He also treated me for the stress and anxiety which contributed to my outbreaks.

I have hemifacial spasm with synkinesis and geniculate neuralgia and I couldn't live without my acupuncturist. I tried several before I found one who was willing to do the research and keep exploring new and better ways to help me. My face can be very distorted and horribly painful and acupuncture is just one of the ways I manage it.

I highly recommend it but it may take some effort to find the right person; however, never let an acupuncturist use electric current on your face and scalp no matter how great the benefits. Neurologists now know this can cause hemifacial spasm and synkenisis but not all acupuncturists know it and it's still widely used.

hi susan can you give his name and where he is located

Susan Memoli said:

Acupuncture cured my TN and TMJ. Need to find someone who has success with treating your symptoms. The needles were never place near my pain areas. He did place a needle in my head, and several on my right thigh the areas he said effects the left side of the face and jaw, my problem area. One year free of pain, thanks to him. He also treated me for the stress and anxiety which contributed to my outbreaks.

Hi Susan,

Wow!!! That is wonderful that acupuncture put you in remission/cured you!!! I live in NJ. Where is your acupuncture practitioner? I want to get off these medications and get out of pain!!! I am praying I can get my life back.

Thank you so very much for responding,

Adele :)


Thanks for replying to this discussion! You have given me/us some important information to consider. My neurosurgeon in Baltimore told me that acupuncture can be a wonderful intervention to help with my TN pain. I initially balked at the idea, but now I am more open to the possibility of some real help.

I hope that you continue to feel better! Bless you for your input in this discussion. I am gaining some new hope.

Adele :)

Years ago, I was treated with acupuncture (needles linked to current) by my Western-trained doc who got licensed to do it. No prejudice there. I was treated for fibromyalgia and facial pain, but felt no effect.

But I also live in NJ and would consider another try. Please, name and location?

Adele Capozzoli said:


Thanks for replying to this discussion! You have given me/us some important information to consider. My neurosurgeon in Baltimore told me that acupuncture can be a wonderful intervention to help with my TN pain. I initially balked at the idea, but now I am more open to the possibility of some real help.

I hope that you continue to feel better! Bless you for your input in this discussion. I am gaining some new hope.

Adele :)

Current should never be used on the face or head. Neurologists now know that it can cause hemifacial spasm and synkenisis which is how I got them. Acupuncturists are still using electric current for Bell's palsy and headaches but they shouldn't even though it gives the appearance of good results. It's damaging to the facial nerves.

NO NO NO, it definitely will not cure TN. I went to the best , a MD who has worked with and now has the practice of a Chinese MD who specialized in accupunture...the only time it feels OK is when the needles are IN. I went for 5 weeks, 3-4 times a week, also had laser therapy. The only cure or relief is either MVD or a good Neurologist who has treated TN. Many will claim they can cure or ease the symptoms, if that were the case, that's what the Neurologists will do. Everyone is looking for money, and we spend a lot to stop the pain. I can save you a lot of money, if you really have TN, go to one of the Doctors recommended by this group. AND TMJ is completely a different issue ..TMJ has nothing to do with TN.

If a dentist offers to help you with TN, RUN..RUN..this is a rare, medical disorder. A Chiropractor CANNOT help you, an acupuncturist cannot help you, go to one of the top Neurologists, there are many in your area. don't waste your money on Alternative medicines. Alternative Medicine is fine for other conditions but not TN.

I have MS and TN. Over the years I have gone to two different acupuncture specialists, the first being more experienced and convinced he could help, but it got to be too much of a commute to see him. The second was inexperienced but had enough knowledge to work with me, eventually we developed a plan that relieved symptoms of both conditions, but it depended on technique, the type of needles used, how deep they were placed, position, etc. In the end it all boiled down to how many session insurance paid for, and whether I was willing to pay money out of pocket.

In my experience there is no question that acupuncture helps, but the trick is finding the right specialist who can help, and whether you have the time, patience, and money to work with them; if you are in the middle of intense pain breakouts, it is hard to have enough patience.

Have you gone through the: "find a doctor" section on this website? From what I have seen you might even be able to find a neurologist specializing in pain and acupuncture; I can't think of a better way to start your search! My preference is to find a specialist who appreciates both eastern and western approaches to healthcare, and a neurologist can apply a more balanced approach to the application of acupuncture with the knowledge of what you are currently doing to treat pain.

I found a neurologist with a background in acupuncture, eventually I plan on asking my existing neurologist to see her in order to get a second opinion...perhaps you could try this approach.

I was introduced to Acupuncture aboard a Cruise Line when I had no other source of pain relief. After 6 sessions of trial and error of needle placement I found that it relaxed me enough to reduce my pain. I have since tried it again at least 10 times with another practitioner in New Jersey, where I live, and found that the relaxation effect of acupuncture again made it successful. I have since found that any method of relaxation provides some significant relief for me, but with varying degrees of duration. I now use some valluim, or vaporized marijuana, as well as purposeful breathing (meditation) to bring on relaxation. All provide some relief from my pain. Knowing that I have a way to stop the pain has been the most useful psychological help as now I can endure the pain longer knowing that I can eliminate it when I want to. I hope my experience can provide some insight into your own dilemma. Michael 3/26/14

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply. Good information that I take to heart. It is almost impossible for me to relax when in a bout of intense pain. I wish you continued success in utilizing what works best for you!

Adele :)

Yes it deserves… Today I got my pain near 0 after sever attack for 2 months feb. & march … I talk, eat, go back to work…Thanks god for chinese !

Has any one had laser done on there face? I want to have my age spots removed now I’m starting to wonders. Will it cause more pain than it’s worth?

Xanax has been part of my regimen. Stress reduction techniques (meditation, biofeedback, yoga) have not been useful to me.

Vaporized marijuana? What's that? NJ's MM law doesn't recognize TN. I believe there are now a number of self-identified NJ residents on this thread. I am in Montclair, the location of the state's first dispensary. I did have some success with weed. Does anybody know if there is any kind of effort to broaden the law to include TN pain?

Michael said:

I was introduced to Acupuncture aboard a Cruise Line when I had no other source of pain relief. After 6 sessions of trial and error of needle placement I found that it relaxed me enough to reduce my pain. I have since tried it again at least 10 times with another practitioner in New Jersey, where I live, and found that the relaxation effect of acupuncture again made it successful. I have since found that any method of relaxation provides some significant relief for me, but with varying degrees of duration. I now use some valluim, or vaporized marijuana, as well as purposeful breathing (meditation) to bring on relaxation. All provide some relief from my pain. Knowing that I have a way to stop the pain has been the most useful psychological help as now I can endure the pain longer knowing that I can eliminate it when I want to. I hope my experience can provide some insight into your own dilemma. Michael 3/26/14

Not only that it can cause a misfiring of the nerves that control your heartbeat, and blood pressure.

KDB said:

I have hemifacial spasm with synkinesis and geniculate neuralgia and I couldn't live without my acupuncturist. I tried several before I found one who was willing to do the research and keep exploring new and better ways to help me. My face can be very distorted and horribly painful and acupuncture is just one of the ways I manage it.

I highly recommend it but it may take some effort to find the right person; however, never let an acupuncturist use electric current on your face and scalp no matter how great the benefits. Neurologists now know this can cause hemifacial spasm and synkenisis but not all acupuncturists know it and it's still widely used.

Hi: I have tried and continue to use Acupuncture - it works wonders. First I called acupuncturists and asked if they had worked with TN patients and what their success rate was, and found one who was very familiar with it. She changed my diet, eliminating wheat, dairy, and much of the sugar I was eating and the combination of diet and acupuncture was fabulous! Try it! Ann Nordholm from Arizona