I am sitting here working on my art, things for my Mayo appt. ect. And I am having dull, boring type pain in the teeth and gums to the right of my bottom front two teeth. Those of you who have had the time and inclination to follow along know that my pain started in my lower left rear.
I thought something fishy the last couple of days but have tried to ignore it blowing it off to my imagination. But just now I knew that if it were not for these meds I would be asking to be shot.
What is happening!!! Am I developing another form of this wicked disease? Is it normal for this to happen? Or is it really my imagination?
I am sorry to tell you Phoebe that in 6-7 years my pain has a favorite tooth but has visited many. I know it's awful especially in the early days of diagnosis. For me I have learned over time to manage my condition in a better way. This group has been my best health tool. I do have a good neuro also.
I wish you well with your visit to the Mayo and hope for some feedback from you. Know you are thought about and all the best. Jackie
TN pain rather frequently seems to "move around" over time, Phoebe. You're probably not dealing with another form of the disease, but rather with another area of the peripheral distribution of the trigeminal nerve that is affected by the same underlying mechanisms. This gives additional urgency to finding an effective combination of meds for pain control.
I've found that the attacks are never in the same place and travel all around the nerve. I can handle the pain in some places better than others. Its currently trying just in front of my ear out for a change, after spending the afternoon making me want to pull all my lower teeth out.
Sorry if I sound a bit flippant but I've found I need all my sense of humour to deal with this