Hi update

Hey everyone…just wanted to give bit of an update and see how everyone is doing? I found a Dr who is a dentist here in town who has a degree or qualification in tn/ face pain. I needed one last opinion…he 100% agreed that the removal of my permanent retainer was the cause for my pain. Those teeth were held in place with a pressure with a force for 12 years and he said the certain teeth that hurt for whatever reason couldn’t handle it. He confirmed it is tn . atypical tn like I already knew. He did novacaine injections in the back of my mouth waited a minute asked if I was numb ,then asked if my pain was gone I said yes. He said that’s good that the pain is strictly coming from the v3 branch and not farther back near the brain. I’m on a lot if meds which make my memory bad and its hard enough to remember every word a person says but he mentioned something perhaps of a trapped nerve. Its all so confusing to me. He put me on a 7 weeks of steroids at a high dose which I’m not to happy about because I hate steroids but hey if it helps great. I’m also raising my nortrip I started at 25mg to 50 mg. Anyone on nortrip what dosage helps you? Also found out from this new guy and my gp that the supposed nerve blocks I got where not even done in the right location when I showed them where.some times I feel like you can’t trust any of these docs. Red or anyone else…have you heard of surgery inside the mouth or a rhizotony type of thing done in the mouth and not a typical one outside? I remember him saying something about a Dr in Atlanta or something perhaps for that…or of a " trapped" nerve in the mouth?? Cindylou how are you since your procedure??so to sum it up is there just really no true help for tn2 patients? I’m starting to realize after 18 drs and one year of pain …no matter what needs I try or who I see. …I get the basic same answer from everyone…starting to realize my pain is mine for life I will always have a level 5 pain which is better then level 20 I had but 5 sucks real bad too ya know…realizing the best thing to do is remain positive quit searching quit running around looking for that next Dr and just take life for what it is. But if I could get a surgery tomorrow That I knew would help I’d do it in a heart beat. Everyone says not for tn2 that it won’t work.

Hi, Jennifer. Welcome Back! I had my gamma knife surgery on 3/3. I haven't posted anything because I wanted to give it time to take effect. The best thing I can say is that the clamp on my eyeball is just about gone. That was the part I couldn't handle any longer! I still get pain in my tooth; I still get shooting pains up the side of my nose, but nothing like what I had. NOTHING.

My neurosurgeon told me I was somewhere between typical and atypical -- a little bit of both. If you could get up to Richmond, I would try to get in to see my doctor. Everyone I've encountered who has seen him has said I'm in the right place for this condition. He told me that he was the only one in the area to do this procedure (although I can't believe that the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) doesn't do it also). There is a gamma knife surgery center at one hospital here -- It's new because it wasn't there the last time I went to this hospital (it's on the other side of town, so not where I would typically go for ER or other things when I have several other closer choices).

Have you investigated gamma knife? There are some folks on this site who believe it's not a good option, but so far it has worked for me. Although it's been less than a month, I'm very optimistic. I was back to normal within two days after sleeping off all the drugs. I had one day the following week of "attack" pain where I had to stay home and dope myself up to get through it. Knock on wood -- it hasn't happened since.

I don't believe there is no true help for TN2s. I just don't believe it.