Went to see the pain management doc I liked so much when I saw him during my leaking spinal tap headache crisis. It was like seeing a completely different doctor. He didn’t seem to care about anything I had to say at all. I told him I’m having a lot of bad pain days and he said he just wanted to keep my meds the same. He said he doesn’t normally see people so soon post op and he usually only sees patients once a month. It was so disappointing. My neurosurgeon doesn’t really see me after like 6 weeks post op (I’m 4 weeks today) and I think my condition is above my current neurologists skill set. The head of the Mischer Neuroscience Institute at the University of Texas Medical Branch runs a face pain clinic down there and this is all he does. I don’t know whether I should wait a little longer to give myself more time to heal fr the surgery or if I should go ahead and make an appointment down there (it’s an hour drive from where I live). Aside from the pain and feeling like a crazy person, the doctor search is the most frustrating part of this whole thing. I’m still so exhausted most of the time I can barely get out of bed. Just walking around target caused a 3 day attack from hell that only you guys could understand. As I’m typing this my ear and my left cheek are on fire. I’m at a level 4 pain on a good day right now, but most days my pain is shooting up to a level 7 or 8. Ugh. Just so frustrated, and I’m still in pain!
Heather, I’m sorry to read of your disappointment and frustration, not to mention your pain levels! If it were me, I’d call my neurosurgeon’s office, and explain my pain crisis and ask for a recommendation for meds to control ?!
Hard to heal restfully when your dealing with pain like that, not to mention the emotional side if things, wondering if surgery worked etc…you need to know that the surgery can still be successful despite the pain, it takes the nerve a long time to heal…I know you know that, just wanted to remind you!
Most important thing is getting support for your current pain so you can focus on healing and resting! Dealing with doctors etc doesn’t help either!
Your neurosurgeons office should be able to help you.
Thinking of you…(( hugs )) Mimi
I think mimi is right - your surgeon should at least see you - now not later--Tell him pain dr is a _______!
I would also get set up with the university--
usually a longer wait and red tape more than seeing regular docs
Get the intake papers done - have them email you or mail them to you - so that you will have a plan B.