Appt with neurosurgeon.... I'm scared

Well several primary care doctors, two neurologist, a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and the pain clinic. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m afraid of what he will say. Is there no hope is THIS the BEST there is for me…massive medications and still living a foggy pain filled life??? Any advice? What should I expect to be asked? I’m just ready for this visit to be over…

Make a list of what you most want to say/ask, just 2-3 main things. They will ask the same things as the neurologist, do an exam, ask about your pain and what you've tried. You probably will get a really short period of time for your questions. Be sure to ask about risks and likely outcomes (like percents, or whatever they can tell you). Also, how many of these procedures they do and what their outcomes are.

Too tired to advise -- just make sure and write them down - Q and A !

Keep Posting!

OH -- and why sipping champagne???? Special Occasion? lol!

Which Neurosurgeon if I may ask?

Was told by 4 sources there were no good TN ones here..... Springfield?


I always throw myself on the mercy of Dr's. I say I am in agony and my life is miserable please help me. So far it has worked.

I also take a short list of the most important questions at the time. I inform of exceptional pain etc.

I wish you all the very best.

I agree with mac. Write down your questions and either take someone who knows your situation with you who can be a second pair of ears to listen or write down the answers as you get them. A lot of times that is what I do. I am usually too foggy to remember what was said.

Good Luck!


Thanks guys! I appreciate your feedback. This weekend has been hard with the excessive just sends my TN into a tizzy! @kcdancer Dr. Stephen Griffith at SLH he is new and I recover his pts and a co-worker mentioned my "case" to him. I am nervous like I said and being in the health field it is hard to see the drs "outside" of the office b/c if I am smiling (which I do to cover the 24/7 pain) I feel like they will think nothing is wrong or it really isn't that bad. I know it was bad enough to send me to bed all weekend darkened room, no noise, migraine etc...I am desperate but I don't want to agree to something that isn't going to help or make things work. I think that I have ATN and don't know if there is much that he can do. My MRI says things are normal but the PAIN is just out of this world and I am on a TON TON TON of medication and the pain clinic just wants to give me pain meds and send me on my way. I guess if my goal was to sleep all day and not have a life outside of my home I would be good...but the funny thing is the pain meds just make the pain "tolerable" they don't take it away completely. Oh well, here's hoping. Thanks again


Oh the meetings are at SLH East!

How did it go?

@kcdancer oh great thanks! I don’t go until this Friday I will let you know… :slight_smile:

Jackie thank you for your advice… I’ll try it!!! Thanks again!
Jackie said:

I always throw myself on the mercy of Dr’s. I say I am in agony and my life is miserable please help me. So far it has worked.

I also take a short list of the most important questions at the time. I inform of exceptional pain etc.

I wish you all the very best.