My pain level for the last few months has steadily worsen. In fact I had to re-evaluate my pain level reporting. Level five would feel like someone stubbing their toe. My level has been around 7-8 with several hours of 9-10 daily. I am taking Lyrica, Trileptal, Tramadol, and Zanaflex to very little effect. I was referred to another doctor to see if I could be a candidate for a peripheral neural stimulator. Instead the doctor said he wanted to try an anesthesia injection to see if my right TN would "quiet down". I had the shot on triggered above level 10 pain if there is such a thing. I walked out of his office crying my eyes out. I woke up today and the sharp pain is gone but my right side of face still feels like it has a really bad burn. And my right eye socket still feels like someone is stabbing it with a thousand needles while my eye feels like someone is squeezing it. I am happy the stabbing pain is gone. Now if only I could get the side effects of the drugs under control. I am experiencing, dizziness--to the point I have veritgo and can't walk in a straight line--memory loss--especially short term, blurred/double vision--I can't read or judge distances--can't drive, headache...etc. I can't even go for a job interview. I lose the train of thought in middle of sentences.
Those of you still working and/or have children to take care of, I am in awe of you. I send you all positive energy and the very best wishes for all our courage and strength, not only to get up each day, but to persevere through the pain. My hat is off to you all. Truly no one knows your trials unless they have endured the pain you have. That is why I am drawn to this site. I thank those who moderate, and research for us, so we feel less alone.
God bless