Hello all. Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the warm welcome. I am new to this, so I am trying to find my way around this site.

I need to talk with others who can understand my pain and how it affects my life. I have Occipital Neuralgia and it is getting worse. Now I am in bed or on the sofa most of the day. Pain meds help, but not enough, and physical activity makes things worse. I am waiting (1.5 weeks more) for another round of nerve blocks directly to the Occipital nerve. I pray that this brings some relief. If I could have even just a few days per week or several hours per day without pain, I would be very grateful.

Living with this is an effort. Spending time with my family is an effort. I paint on a happy face for my kids and grandkids when they visit, but after a few hours, I can't wait to get to bed. This is no way to live.

In addition to all of this, my Mother passsed away unexpectedly a month ago, and I am dealing with that grief and trying to be supportive to my father who has lost his partner of 60 years. Needless to say,,, suicidal thoughts are present in my mind several times per week these days.

Thanks for listening to my sad story. I hope that I am able to post some good news on this site one day!

Hugs, Ron

Hello Ron,

I just want to say that I am sorry for your loss.. I hope that you get to feeling better really soon.

It is never a good feeling when you lose a loved one. Best wishes, Min

That's a lot to deal with. The loss of your mother and watching the grief of your father is just heartbreaking. That's got to be pretty tough to deal with. :(

As for your pain, I know how hard that is. I have 24/7 pain in my teeth, and if it would go away for a few hours a day, I think I'd be able to cope with it much better.

I'm glad you joined the site and found an outlet for your pain, anger, sadness, and even happiness. It's good you can talk to fellow sufferers -- joining this site has helped me tremendously.

Thanks to all of you for your kind concern. I know that you are all going through some kind of similar chronic nerve pain, and you understand how the relentless pain affects us. Then, as if we don't have enough to deal with already, there are the other stresses and issues of life. It is enough to really push a person to 'the limit' sometimes.