I am failing to get het rid of this ringing in my ear, its a buzzing sound which seems to be getting worse and worse. I struggle to fall asleep because I the buzzing is so loud in my ear. Its there 24/7 nowadays. Has anybody beeb through this, and any suggestions on how to get rid of it?
I have ringing in addition to a pressure in my ear. I've had it for some time. It is loud during the day, but I'm able to sleep because of the medication, tegretol, Neurontin, and baclofen.
It could be medication related. Any Opiates especially will cause this. I suffer from this too. It can literally make you crazy and makes it hard to hear normal sounds as well. Check with doctor google to see if this is a side effected of any of the meds you are taking. If not, I would talk to your doctor.
I have a hissing sound that started soon after getting TN a year ago and I'm not on any meds except botox treatments.
It is 24/7 and we use an air filter at night that creates enough white noise that I can sleep.
I have had extreme ringing in my ears for well over 15 years. It never goes away. There are times when it seems to be louder/worse than other times. It was my constant headaches & the ringing in my ears that sent me to the doc. They did hearing & ENT tests, but my doctor told me those were not the problem. He sent me in for an MRI and thats when they found out I have a cavernous malformation deep in my brain. This is the most likely suspect for the reason I have ringing. My ringing is in both ears equally. Best for you to discuss this with your doctors, and to let them figure out what they think might be the cause for your ringing.
There is nothing I can do to stop or diminish the ringing. Yes it does drive me crazy, and it's very distracting and bothersom. I've had no choice but to accept it, and try not to think about it.
Make sure to avoid all loud sounds. Loud sounds do seem to make it worse sometimes, and quiet definitly helps. There are many sources of loud sounds in our lives. It could be theTV too loud, driving across a bridge or down the highway with the window open, loud music, tools, etc...
I'm on Lyrica, Immiprimine, and morphine.(for roughly 5 years now) My ringing started long before I was put on those drugs, and in my case, I would say the drugs do not contribute to the ringing.
Also - don't allow yourself to get too stressed about it. Stressing won't take it away, or help in any way. One of the things that has help me is learning to accept the conditions that have been diagnosed. Talk to your doctors.
I take Baclofen, Lamotrigine, and Amitriptyline; and I also have developed a buzzing form of tinnitus. Went to a otolaryngologists to determine the cause of the tinnitus, and he didn't find any cause for it. He said one of the meds I take is the culprit. The only way to determine which medication is responsible for the tinnitus, entails stop taking them all. And begin taking one for a few days, then introduce another one for a few days, etc. This is not an option for me. My research on these drugs found that baclofen was the only medication I take that has the side effect of tinnitus. The worse part is I've been an audiophile for decades, and now I can't enjoy listening to my music, except for the occasional times when the buzzing isn't present.
I recently went to an audiologist and he told me it was medication related. I take a, Lamictal, Effexor, Lisinopril and Nortriptylene. I had just raised my Effexor dose when the Ringing began. The Doc said that the tests showed an even level of Tinnitus in each ear which usually means that it is not naturally caused I dropped the Effexor back down and changed dosage on the Oxy and it subsided substantially. It’s still there but much quieter. I looked up the side effects of the meds and pretty much all listed a ringing in the ears.
The Doc advised if it becomes to a level where it is difficult to sleep, turn on the radio to the white noise hiss between stations.
i have this too keep cotton in eat so i can walk with out feeling like falling.
more than likely nerve related since a nerve runs behind your ear drum.
let me know if any one has any ideas!
I have had Tinnitus for almost 2 years now. I also have Trigimenal Neuralgia, Occipital Neuralgia, TMJ, Fibro and spinal stenosis.
Mine seemed to flare up after going to a Rascal Flats concert (great performers!) and our sitting ever so close to the dozens and dozens of speakers. Upon purchasing tickets we did not know the speakers would all be near to our section. The ringing started then, that night and has persisted since. In reflecting back, I might have had some soft tinnitus before but just did not pay too much attention to it. With investigation we learned that I had a moderate hearing loss in each ear. This was not due to the concert but most likely had been brewing for some time. I have been wearing hearing aids for 1 1/2 years now and the 'zen' feature on them helps with my tinnitus by providing other sounds (soft bells chiming) for me to focus on. I would suggest that anyone with tinnitus have a good hearing test done to see if you have a hearing loss as well. Tinnitus is a common happening with hearing loss. Last week the ENT at my doctor's let me borrow for one day a new gizmo for tinnitus users called 'the inhibitor' and it helped a bit. However the cost is prohibitive and it will be some time till we can afford it.
I do take Nortriptylene for asssitance in good sleep for my chronic pain. I wonder if that is the issue for me. I am also on LOw Dose Naltrexone for nerve pain. The original dose 4.5 mcg caused lack of sleep and increased tinnitus. I am now on 1 mcg and I wonder if that could still be causing some of my tinnitus.
There are no over the counter or prescribed medications for tinnitus despite all the hoopla on the web. It is best to use distraction and not giving into the racket going on in your head as that will only make it worse. I know, easier said than done.
I was diagnosed with TN last Spring, but am asymptomatic now and I have weaned myself off of all meds, except for my BP med, Adalat. I have been noticing lately that I am having the same dull ache that I had preceding the TN, along with ringing in my ear. Until I read your post, I did not relate the two, but now I am beginning to wonder if I am about to have another attack. If this is TN-related, then it is not caused by any of the meds because I am not on any of the TN meds.
Have had this for years. Gets worse by times but I really don't know what changes it. I use white noise at night and the ringing does not bother me. Talk to your Dr. Feel better!
I have tinnitis too. It started with a med for my TN pain and never went away. White noise machines are recommended for help with sleeping. If you can't afford one, tune your radio to where there is no station and the static will create a similar effect.
Blessings to you!
No doubt the medication is the cause. Not taking them is no option. Just ignore it as much as you can.
Not much of a consollation, but that is how it is.
Regards | Walter
I have the same buzzing in my right ear since 2006 its real bad. Just saw vascular surgeon last week and now waiting for a referral to neurosurgeon. Doc said it is not vascular "it the nerve behind my ear". I am looking into MVD at this point I will do surgery to get rid of this noise. I was diagnosed with TN in March 2011 I also have MS. I am determined to take care of this noise in my head this coming year.
I also have this problem I find sleeping with an air purifier that the Humm it makes drowns out the sound of the ringing
Mine went away when I had my MVD and they unwrapped arteries off of my Vestibulochoclear (8th), Trigeminal (5th) and Facial (7th) Cranial Nerves. No more pain in my ear and no more tinnitus. I know surgery isn't an option for everyone, but I thought I'd mention this because maybe there's something wrong with your 7th and/or 8th nerves and they can do something like nerve blocks or Gamma Knife for it. I don't know about those procedures for them since that was an incidental finding during my surgery for TN. But it explained all my horrid ear pain.
Thank you all for the info, I went for a hearing test and its 100% fine. ENT says side effects from esp Trepeline, i cant unfortunately stop my meds now…I will go back to the both Neuro and ENT in the new year.
I wish you all well for the coming holidays.
I suffer with Hemicrania Continua and I have tinnitus in my right ear, sounds like water running through pipes and sometimes a high pitched whistle. my hearing is also muffled in that ear now. I have been having botox and the HC symptoms and pain have almost gone. The tinnitus has improved too and I've sort of got used to it, My neurologist has told me that I probably wont get rid of the tinnitus completely but ENT can teach me techniques to cope with it so this may be an option for you. Hope you manage to get some help with it soon
I had pulsatile tinnitus for most of last year, it just vanished suddenly and only resurfaces if i get stressed. I set up an ipod on my night stand at head height and played "white noise" which really helped me get some decent sleep. It took a week or so to get used to it and it didn't bother my husband as he felt it helped block outside noise.
During the day if i was home i just left the tv on quietly and it helped me not to focus on the noise in my head.
Hope you can find something to help.
Have you tried Chiropractic? It has helped some of our patients that have had tinnitus. My tinnitus is only intermittent since I had the gamma knife done, maybe because I have regular Chiropractic adjustments it doesn't bother me.