Ringing in My Ear

Hi everyone, hope this is a better day for you. :)

Just curious if any of you get a loud ringing in your ear? I'm assuming it's related to TN but I know it could be due to something else entirely. I'm seeing my neurologist about it and about a possible MVD next week.

Anyways, could this be a symptom of TN?

~ Vicki

Hi Vicki, yes, I think it’s a symptom of TN. I started a discussion a little while ago about Tinnitus & got quite a few replies. So I think you will learn a bit more, as the other members can relate to this as well. Your not alone.
Kind regards Sally

Does sound suspiciously like tinnitus. I had it during chemo. The phone ringing in one ear and the sea shore in the other which was very disconcerting. I feel for you and hope you have a solution soon xx

Hi Vicki.....I have had TN for about three years and just recently have experienced a swishing sound in the left ear....I believe it is related to TN and has to do with your blood presure also ...... I think IF you can get your BP down it would help alot dealing with this TN I keep finding out new things....my last pain experience I noticed I was using my right hand slicing a onion and with the pressure of doing so brought on the pain, I was walking down stairs and grabed the hand rail to tightly and that brought on the pain.....just another thing to be aware of ...... sorry if I got off track

You're not off track at all, Marcy. Thanks for your comment. :) I think (at least I hope) my blood pressure is pretty low most of the time, but you never know what's going to set TN off, do you?

Marcy said:

Hi Vicki.....I have had TN for about three years and just recently have experienced a swishing sound in the left ear....I believe it is related to TN and has to do with your blood presure also ...... I think IF you can get your BP down it would help alot dealing with this TN I keep finding out new things....my last pain experience I noticed I was using my right hand slicing a onion and with the pressure of doing so brought on the pain, I was walking down stairs and grabed the hand rail to tightly and that brought on the pain.....just another thing to be aware of ...... sorry if I got off track

Hi there, Jackie. :) I'm thankful I'm not in much pain because the medicines are doing their job pretty well. It's just more of an annoyance than anything!

I've had that swishing sound in my right ear, too. It lasted for several months and just disappeared. Hope you're feeling well today, dear Jackie.

Jackie said:

Does sound suspiciously like tinnitus. I had it during chemo. The phone ringing in one ear and the sea shore in the other which was very disconcerting. I feel for you and hope you have a solution soon xx

Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone, Sally. I never tire of those words. I have a feeling the ringing in my ears is TN related. We'll see what the neuro. says. :)

Sally said:

Hi Vicki, yes, I think it's a symptom of TN. I started a discussion a little while ago about Tinnitus & got quite a few replies. So I think you will learn a bit more, as the other members can relate to this as well. Your not alone.
Kind regards Sally

Vicki....I found out if I am stooping over to pick something up or if I am working in the garden I have to sit on a garden scooter, I tend to chew my food on the left side of my mouth, if I over do eating hard food such as pizza crust or the almond Wal-Mart ganola bars (these I am sorry to say are out of this world and I can not get enough of them) any of these get my nerve to act up....I guess I need to take some stock out on oatmeal.

Vicki Dvorak said:

You're not off track at all, Marcy. Thanks for your comment. :) I think (at least I hope) my blood pressure is pretty low most of the time, but you never know what's going to set TN off, do you?

Marcy said:

Hi Vicki.....I have had TN for about three years and just recently have experienced a swishing sound in the left ear....I believe it is related to TN and has to do with your blood presure also ...... I think IF you can get your BP down it would help alot dealing with this TN I keep finding out new things....my last pain experience I noticed I was using my right hand slicing a onion and with the pressure of doing so brought on the pain, I was walking down stairs and grabed the hand rail to tightly and that brought on the pain.....just another thing to be aware of ...... sorry if I got off track

Hello Vicki,

I've had ringing in both ears for decades now; some days quieter than others...Then--

I woke up one morning in 2004 with that obnoxious whooshing in my left ear; I'd never had it before. It was very distracting and affected my concentration at work. After three weeks or so I saw an ENT Doc in my area and began a regimen of tests, etc. I should add here that I've had sinus and allergy issues since I was a child. I also had chronic tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, popping, etc), but never this new whooshing... My ENT said that since I had a badly deviated septum, surgery to correct that issue just might solve my Pulsatile Tinnitus (PT).

After the surgery and healing, I was breathing through my nose better than ever before, and I stopped snoring which had also been an issue. However, my PT did not stop which was quite a bring-down. To keep this short, I woke up one day some months later (in 2007) to no whooshing in my left ear; and it has never come back.

I hope there's something here that you can use..."Keep the Faith"!



I have both and I know there are others on this site as well. I have had ringing/buzzing in my ears of and on as long as I can remember. Since I got TN the ringing/buzzing has gotten worse and sometimes kicks into high gear where that is about all I can hear. when that happens I get partial hearing loss in one ear (opposite side from my tn) that can last for days and get very dizzy and have to lay down and pass out that last for 4 hours or so.


I have something like an "aura" of sounds like FOG HORNS when I am going to have a flare up. It is just - there- and I know it will be so very painful very soon...just brace myself. I hear a slight ringing in my left ear ALL the time and have the normal on/off TN pain/shocks on a constant basis; dependant on stress, work, etc. The louder it gets, the worse the pain. I find I sleep ALOT when this starts...


Yessss, sleep the only refuge. I get the ringing and sometimes my right ear shuts off and I'll get a ring tone on the other ear. Do you know what I am talking about ??? Scott>>> weird stufff.... anything goes with thisss.

Hey Min,

I agree about the weird stuff with this. I have been told by a my doctors that I am a weird case. lol

Min said:

Yessss, sleep the only refuge. I get the ringing and sometimes my right ear shuts off and I'll get a ring tone on the other ear. Do you know what I am talking about ??? Scott>>> weird stufff.... anything goes with thisss.

Aww... Chris, that sounds awful. I'm sorry. Does the medicine help your TN pain or do you have a lot of break through pain?

cris said:

I have something like an "aura" of sounds like FOG HORNS when I am going to have a flare up. It is just - there- and I know it will be so very painful very soon...just brace myself. I hear a slight ringing in my left ear ALL the time and have the normal on/off TN pain/shocks on a constant basis; dependant on stress, work, etc. The louder it gets, the worse the pain. I find I sleep ALOT when this starts...


Thank you Scott and Mini for reminding me I'm not alone. I have MS as well as TN and the are BOTH so strange!

Min said:

Yessss, sleep the only refuge. I get the ringing and sometimes my right ear shuts off and I'll get a ring tone on the other ear. Do you know what I am talking about ??? Scott>>> weird stufff.... anything goes with thisss.

Yes...but it doesn't keep it at bay for long. That was how I found out I had TN; I went in for an ear ache that wouldn't stop. Then it led to a sensitive 'spot' under my jaw line and around a distinct line from my ear down my face to that spot. My doc knew immediately I had TN. That was 15 months ago...

Vicki Dvorak said:

Aww... Chris, that sounds awful. I'm sorry. Does the medicine help your TN pain or do you have a lot of break through pain?

cris said:

I have something like an "aura" of sounds like FOG HORNS when I am going to have a flare up. It is just - there- and I know it will be so very painful very soon...just brace myself. I hear a slight ringing in my left ear ALL the time and have the normal on/off TN pain/shocks on a constant basis; dependant on stress, work, etc. The louder it gets, the worse the pain. I find I sleep ALOT when this starts...


Yes it's called Tinnitus. The same nerves that cause TN also affect your ears. I hope you get some medical help. It can definitely be very bothersome.

Sorry I missed all of your comments everyone! I really do appreciate you taking the time to write. I could relate to each of you. Yes, this is a very strange condition. :/

Hi, yes I developed tinnitus along with the TN. Terrible. Constant ringing. Buzzing bees and 10million insects in a forest - all in my head and the TN pain too. How do we stay sane. Mmmmmmmm ... don't think I am.

Besides the TN causing ear pain, do you know some medications can cause it or make it worse? There are over 200 drugs that cause tinnitus. I just had this conversation with a family member who has had tinnitus for over a decade. He double checks every medication or supplement to make sure he doesn't make it worse. A few meds that can cause it or make it worse are analgesics (aspirin, NSAIDs), chemotherapy drugs (Jackie mentioned this), and Loop Diuretics (bumetanide, ethacrynic, furosemide).