Does anyone else get tinnitus when their TN pain flares up?

On the days my TN gets really bad, I get tinnitus on the same side. A buzzing sound and gets louder as the pain increases. Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh yes, it drives me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure do, I get the ringing mostly. Some times I hear voices too but that could be something else.(LoL)

Hi, I have tinnitus all the time. Even when the pain is minimal. At first I thought I would die. But I seem to have become accustomes to it. But sometimes at night when I go to bed and put my head on the pillow I will sleep to come to forget about it.

Yes i always have to sleep with the tv on

I also have Tinnitus all the time, but when I get a flare up of my GN it almost doubles the volume for sure. I know what you mean.

What I do is put a fan in the room on oscilate (Spelling), and put a radio next to my bed that is set to just between two stations at a really low volume. SOMETIMES that helps.

The one thing that I find that makes the most difference is to put a massage mat (you know the vibrating electric kind) under my mattress and put it to full. This however also wakes my partner so take it with a grain of salt.


It used to drive me nuts! I didn’t know if the pain made the noise worse or the noise made the pain worse. When I had my MVD done 3 months ago the NS found that I had a compression on the nerves that affect the hearing. I have had ZERO tinnitus/noise since surgery. My neurologists never told me if tinnitus and TN were related.

Best thing I could do for sleep was have the TV on (but that kept my husband up) or use my headset and listen to waves crashing or rain on my iPhone. I also had to stay away from loud noises like a siren or kids screaming. That would cause an “attack” of ear and head pain.

I've had times before a flare I'll get a sudden ringing sensation. But usually it's before, not during the attack. I've also been diagnosed with BPPV. not sure if that has any impact on TN.

Hi ihold,

I am new to the forum. Would you mind clarifying what your NS said? Was it the TN or the ear nerve that was compressed that was causing the tinnitus? I was diagnosed with tinnitus about 3-4 years before I was diagnosed with a tumor. Then after two years of the Gamma Knife surgery to the tumor was when I developed TN. What's strange is the tumor had been there for a long time but yet I never had TN symptoms. Then after the GK I started getting the symptoms and it has gotten worse. Not sure what would make it worse though.

Has your TN returned since the MVD? I've heard and read more negative testimonies of this procedure which was why I avoided it for so long. I hope you're rid of TN forever. Glad to hear you no longer suffer from tinnitus.


ihold said:

It used to drive me nuts! I didn't know if the pain made the noise worse or the noise made the pain worse. When I had my MVD done 3 months ago the NS found that I had a compression on the nerves that affect the hearing. I have had ZERO tinnitus/noise since surgery. My neurologists never told me if tinnitus and TN were related.

Best thing I could do for sleep was have the TV on (but that kept my husband up) or use my headset and listen to waves crashing or rain on my iPhone. I also had to stay away from loud noises like a siren or kids screaming. That would cause an "attack" of ear and head pain.

I have had some ringing in my ears which I thought was maybe due to meds. But now that you mention it maybe it is due to TN flare

Based on my personal experience and many other's testimonies on this forum, your tinnitus is probably due to the TN. What method of treatment have you done to be free of TN?

Sorry, wrong spot