Just when you think this crazy fun filled condition has nothing left to surprise you with it reaches deep down in it's pockets and brings out another brand new owwie. Just for you. How sweet.
I had hitherto only ever had pain in my lower teeth, lip, jaw as well as the I-can't-touch-it pain in my cheek. I always figuered that was my trigger point.I've had a dull ache in my cheek and jaw for weeks now as well as some stabs, shocks etc etc. As of last night but that dull ache has dialed it all the way up. I'm talking teeth that feel as if they want to explode. There is an evil little gremlin sitting in my cheek with pliers and he's twisting that damn nerve. The pain ebbs and wans thank God but it's the TOP teeth mainly.
Is this normal???
Have you gotten a prescription for lidocaine mouthwash?
For your cheek …lidocaine face patches… They saved my life
N KC, not yet but I fully intend to ask the Neuro on Tuesday. My top teeth are so sore at times that I can't let them meet my bottom teeth. At all. I brought up about the Lidocaine with my GP who ( because she's sizest ) raved on about how they had to work it by weight and she'd virtually have to give me enough to choke an elephant.
Hi catwoman,
Your areas of pain are similar to mine. When I first started experiencing ATN a year ago it was in one bottom molar on my left side. It now covers all of the teeth on the left, into my jaw, cheek and ear.
And as if that isn't bad enough I started having bilateral pain about two months ago.
I can relate to your little gremlin! I describe as tiny little vice grips in there twisting and turning and tightening. And my cheek pain is what I would imagine being punched in the face feels like. Mine comes and goes, is different most days but follows very familiar patterns always.
Luckily, my pain is being very well controlled at the moment with my medication. I know what you are going through though.
And yes, just when you thought it was bad enough it can get worse! A reminder not to be complacent about TN and seek out proper help and medication.
Justjane37. Isn't it the most fun you've ever had??? Yesterday I convinced myself ( I can hear you nodding) that I had an abscess in my tooth and that I would awaken this morning all swollen up. Of course I didn't and in fact had no pain in the tooth at all. Well not that tooth anyway.
I am nodding. The same thing happened to me earlier this week. This one tooth was killing me all day-pain radiating into my cheek and ear. Gone the next day! and hasn't been back since.
The first time I had ATN eight years ago I was begging the dentist to pull my tooth...sitting in the chair crying. Thank goodness he didn't listen.
It breaks my heart hearing people's stories about having teeth pulled and root canals and such trying to get rid of the pain.