Thank you for the warm welcome

Joining this site has been kind of tough for me. I have been pain free for so long and thought that living with the numbness after my Radiofrequency Ablation surgeries was a small price to pay to be pain free. I was starting to feel sorry for myself about dealing with this numbness and found this site. After reading what people are
going through I felt like an ass for feeling the way I did. This site has
reminded me of what I was going through and has made me thankful again. My neurologist has recently put me back on gabapentin (300mg / day) because of some minor late night “shocks” I had. She believes that pre-treating may prevent the return of full blown symptoms. It’s tough for me to admit that I fear the return of the pain I had, I fear that at some point it will return and can’t bear the thought of going through that again for even one day. My heart goes out to all of those that are fighting this battle.

Glad you joined. There are so many members on here with such a wide variety of symptoms and levels(?) of TN that you can always find someone on here to relate to. Sorry the shocks are creeping back, but I am glad you enjoyed a period of 'remission' for a while