Glad to be a tn suffer with all you

This site has been the best place I can be these days. Everyone of you have listened to me vent and also replied to comments I have posted. This is the best sharing of information I have received. I also feel very empathetic for those of you who I feel definitely are in more pain than I am at times. I wish us all to have family and friends and doctors who understand our plight. Who knows maybe someday there will be a better way to treat TN
In the meantime I find this is a safe place for me as I look forward to hearing about your problems and questions and I have learned more about TN and it’s effects as well as medications. Some of which are new to me.
I thank you all and may we all find that moment each day where we notice something is missing…THE BEAST has gone for a nap and you are free!!!
Your friend Chippy

What a lovely post, Chippy. I am so glad you have found this community to be helpful.

Chippy- You worded that so well. Thank you so much for posting this. I am grateful for this site too. When I was diagnosed with Geniculate Neuralgia I was amazed at how quickly people wrote to answer my questions and offer support I I agree that this is my sanctuary from unhelpful doctors or folks that don't understand these unseen disorders we all have or have had. I have never felt such genuine friendship. compassion and willingness to help in any other group- online or in person! I am so happy to hear you have found this a safe, supportive place to learn, vent and share experiences. Good luck Chippy, and thank you again for such an excellent post!


Amen, Chippy!!

Hey Chippy beautifully put :)