How many of you TN sufferers have had teeth removed or root canals performed thinking that was the problem tO find out you still had TN?
I swore up and down my teeth were the problem for years. About five years into my pain, I woke up with a facial abscess. I went to the ER and the ER said "I don't care WHAT your dentist says, you have a problem in there". I went back to my dentist and underwent four hours of surgery. I had every filling removed and replaced, my mouth imaged and all sorts of stuff. The issue never WAS my teeth, but at least I have pretty porcelain fillings when I smile now. Groans.
Yes i have heard this.i have already had 2 extracted and another root canal on the right side which is where i get TN and my biggest trigger area.ii am on antobiotics for the infection of a recent extraction on sat and it has been suggested i try and reduce the tegretol.??not sure how it will turn out and a little scared of getting the pain back.hear alot of stories about people thinking it is their teeth but it isnt.
I had a tooth removed and still had pain so I had a root canal.... then I still felt pain he redone it, after two root canals by my dentist he sent me to a Endodotist and I got two more root canals I gave up that dentist and found a new one, before the hygientist was ready to clean my teeth she started to perform a oral check for cancer and lifted up my top lip and immediately I went into unbeleivable pain...she ran and got the doctor...after a brief discussion, (her grandmother also suffered from TN) he said I think you have TN and send me to a specialist were it was confirmed.....thankfully I didn't have more teeth would think all dentist would be more aware this could be the problem.....even the root canal doctor was perplexed and was getting irritated with me when I returned for the second time.
My dentist in my area where I live does a segment on three different TV stations once a's call Tooth Talk and it is what the name implies, I watch it every week to see if he mentions TN to the viewers, so they are aware this could be the problem, before they keep getting teeth extracted for no think he would save people a lot of grief, but as of now he hasn't brought it up.
Hi I have had 7 root canals, and 9 extractions (including the root canals which didn't work) before a dental surgeon suggested that my teeth problems might be neuralgia! None of the teeth showed any problem on xrays. I'm now taking amytriptyline, and hope I will never have to have another extraction! My type of neuralgia mimics toothpain, so it is very hard not to assume that's what it is.
Well after 2 tooth extractions,and an infection my dentist found earlier in the week.she suggests i try coming off the tegretol to see if the TN is still there or whether the infection was aggravating it.i finish the antibiotics in 2 more days and then will start to reduce.Am to check with my dr on Monday on dosage.I am a little worried about it but will give it a go.I am currently taking 350mg.
you can read postings or join the "dental/teeth" group - just go up to the tab above that says group and find them
a LARGE percentage of us have started with dental work
My TN was given to me by an oral surgeon who gave me whiplash while I was "under" for an extremely hard extraction. But I could never figure out why 4 hours later the childbirth in my mouth was on the opposite side that he worked!
Eventually - you have to give up on the why / how did this happen - and get yourself good treatment : )
I went to the dentist 5 times POSITIVE it was a dental problem considering not only could I tell her which tooth it was, but I could pinpoint the spot on the tooth. After the 5th visit, she showed me the x-ray confirming that my nerve was quite far from the location I was pointing to and that she could find absolutely nothing wrong with my tooth/teeth. I was ready to have her pull it out or find someone who would. She suggested I go to a Dr. and I was diagnosed almost immediately and sent to a neurologist the same day.
As a side note - My dentist would pull out my filling and replace it fearing I was allergic to the material. Then replaced it with another special filling. This filled up most of the appointments.
I too had many root canals and teeth pulled before my oral surgon said it wasnt my
I didn't know I had TN UNTIL I had dental work. The pains weren't as bad until the dental work. THEN it knocked me to my knees! That is how I found out I had TN.