Tn from root canal

Hi everyone,
Just found this website and spent yesterday reading as many posts as my condition would allow. Going through the worst since my experience four years ago with a root canal gone bad. Had the dental work (firsts ever rc, I am 68). Post rc, exploding pain, months of antibiotics and dentist finally said don’t come back. I can’t help you. Now four years later I am on Imitrex, trileptal, neurontin, hydrocodone(when I can get it), baclofen, lidocaine viscous, etc. my pain management seems over his head so am looking for another, but kind of lost on that. The main reason I am posting is because a new prospect for help has come my direction. I have not seen it mentioned here - bone cavitations that can cause TN. My type of TN would be considered TN2 I believe. Constant boring pain on the last tooth and the facial bone, probably considered the temporal bone. Some shooting pain across front teeth, aching cheek.
My daughter suffers with TN also (under control from having the bone cavitation surgery, about 60% relief). Incision is made where extraction was and evaluate; if there is infection bone will crumble and inside they clean out all the “crud”. This dentist then uses ozone and your own blood platelets to restore healthy bone growth. There are some pretty remarkable stories that have come from this, but of course the medical community pooh poohs it. Insurance will not pay and it is a real chunk of my savings to do this. I’m scheduled for Oct. 1. Would love to get feedback from anyone who has investigated this… Wow. This is long. By the way, I am in Fort Worth, Texas. Anyone close?