Really TN?

Hi all. I hust wanted to tell you a bit about my story and get your thoughts on my recent experiences and whether this is typical of TN or is indeed a tooth problem?

About 2 weeks ago, I started complaining of aching jaws! I said to my husband 'it's not my teeth, my gums ache'. The pain got worse and spread accross my left side of my face! The pain felt like a contraction ( for want of a better description) and increased in intensity before easing off again. These 'episodes' became more and more regular and could happen every 15-20 minutes. They also were so intense that I would be grabbing my face and crying in pain - but nothing helped (over the counter pain killers did nothing!) I also awoke one night with such a painful earache that I could not touch my ear!

I went to the emergency dentist one week ago in agony (I hate dentists!!) and he checked my teeth but the pain was so non specific that he was a bit puzzled! He suggested it could be something else like my sinuses> Also, as I was not having an 'episode' at the time, there was no pain at all. He tapped all my teeth but there was no sensetivity at all. HE also did x rays which didn't really show anything. He said there was a tooth at the bottom with a very deep filling which could be causing problems and give me 2 lots of antibiotics in case any infection was lingering. By the Monday, I was in so much pain I made an appointment with the Dr,

The Dr listened to the symptoms and that I had already visited the dentist before diagnosing me with TN and prescribing Tegretol. That was it!! No explanation or anything. I was sat in the surgery in tears so walked out to collect my prescription.

I saw out my course of antibiotics and was still in pain by Thursday although the pain now just felt like toothache - with no contraction type pains. So, back to the dentist Thursday and I braved a filling (I normally have to be sedated so this is a clue of how much pain I have been in and how fed up I am!). Told him about TN and that I could now tell which tooth it was. He said there was a small cavity, filled it and off I went thinking it's not TN after all.

I was a bil lax in taking my Tegretol yesterday and today the pain is awful (in my tooth but also a slight ache in the jaw!) I'm so confused - is this TN or is there still a problem with my tooth that has not been resolved?! I don't know what to think or whether I need to go back to the dentist or not??

So sorry for the essay - and thank you in advance! xx

Hi Welchmummy84,

I am sorry that you are going through this and let me just say that your story sounding oh too familiar.

Both times my TN came on it started in a tooth. Your description of pain does remind me of my own. Same as you back and forth to the dentist and Dr...xrays, filling, refilling, antibiotics, pain pills, repeat...until I was talked into having a root canal when I didn't even need it :( should have known better considering I had this happen to me 10 years prior but when I am in so much pain I am pretty gullible and I was wishing and praying that it was a tooth and not TN.

A couple of things...Tegretol takes time to build up in your system and start working so take it every day whether there is pain or not. Also if you have tried a variety of pain pills and nothing touches the pain then that is a good indication of TN. Also, every single day can be different with the type, location and severity of pain so it can be confusing from one day to the next to know what is happening. And, most importantly, DO NOT have any dental work done unless there is clear physical evidence of a problem. So many TNers have unnecessary work done or teeth pulled out for no reason and only to be left in pain.

My TN started in one tooth then spread around my whole left side--top and bottom teeth--then went straight up my jaw, cheek and into my ear. Another note is that many of us are pain free when we wake up and then the pain starts coming on through the day. Afternoons and evenings are the worst for me.

You are lucky that your dentist didn't do any unnecessary work and that your Dr recognized your symptoms. Many of us have gone months and years without a diagnosis. Hang in there and ask anything that comes to mind. I remember how exhausting, frightening and isolating those early days were. We are all here for each other and you will learn that all of the wacky things that are happening to you are shared by many of us.
