Teeth and TN

Had an episode the other day …always seems the strikes cause me to bite down and again another piece of one of my teeth landed up with a hunk out!!!
Then you go to the dentist and he freezes your jaw and 3 days later you still have the feeling you are frozen.
Does anyone else experience this or are my teeth just brittle or soft from years of TN shocking the living day lights out of me
I try to look after my teeth as best I can but why does the pain last so long after your visit is over?? . I get so stressed I can sometimes feel like I am waking up the giant dragon who will unleash its lightning intone area over my brow
Sorry for rant but gad a stressful day at work and now I need to take my Lorazepam to help sleep so I stay asleep ------ only thing that seems to help keep my dragon at bay