Swelling in jaw?

My dr has me on Tegritol 200mg x’s 2 and has been helping until this past Thursday. It has been the worst it has ever been and last night I noticed my jaw was swollen and very tender. Almost like where it is swollen is a bruise but doesn’t look like it if that makes sense. Anyway, I do have a chipped tooth back there where I had a root canal done years ago. So I looked at the gum around it and it isn’t red or anything, but the tooth is very sensitive. Is the swelling and tenderness there due to the TN or is it something else like an abscess or something? I would think if it was an abscess the gums would be red and there would be discoloration of the tooth, but I’ve never had an abscess so I don’t know.


I would go to the dentist and have them take xrays of the chipped root canaled tooth just to make sure there is nothing wrong with it.From what I have read some people have abcesses that dont give them alot of pain...My jaw always feels like it is bruised and swollen and I have no teeth there..(I'm in the process of getting partial dentures top and bottom) It feels like someone punched me..I hope you get to the bottom of your pain...and feel better soon.

sorry to hear this tabitha! A lot of time people have to up the dose of tegretol until they find a place where it shuts down the pain. You are on a pretty low dose-- some people take 1200 mg/day!! When I had my flair I was swollen, too. I also had what i thought was an absessed tooth-- but it was just from the TN. It is so wierd how much it feels like a tooth ache! It wasn't untill I had a full-blown attack and hurt on all three branches that i figured out it wasn't my tooth..when I googled face pain-- I realized right away what i had... and my doc agreed so i got on meds fast and went into a remission pretty quickly,. hope you get to that point soon!!

I really don’t think it’s my tooth but when my jaw started swelling it freaked me out. I don’t know anyone else with TN so I couldn’t ask them. I have been having excruciating pain since Thursday ever since my dr put me on 200mg twice a day I was only getting a bad flair up once a week and it would only last for a day or two with just some achy feeling on other days. But this time it has not let up at all. I am scheduled to have a nerve block done the end of this month, but like I said the swollen jaw and bruise like feeling scared me. I will definitely be talking to my dr about upping my dosage. I just didn’t know if that swelling and bruising feeling was normal for TN.