My TN was diagnosed after I'd seen my dentist and the emergency dentist who both x rayed the tooth and assured me it was fine. The next day I saw my doctor who diagnosed TN after I told her that the various painkillers I'd tried were not having any affect at all. I'm now taking tegretol which has taken away the electric shock like pain and I'm able to eat using that tooth. However when I press on the gum above the tooth there is pain there. I also get numbness in my face on the right side which comes and goes (have a previous post about this). I can't help wondering if there is a problem with my tooth after all!! I'm especially worried as we go to California in a fortnight for 3 weeks and obviously I don't want to be ill - (just enjoy as much as I can even though the tegretol makes me tired and a bit dizzy)
Hope this makes sense as its hard to think with my fuzzy head!