Painful swelling

Anybody here have a lot of swelling with Tn.Please tell me this is scary.Ty.

Hello Kathy,,

I was told I dont have TN but facial pain ..When I have my pain it is always in the bottom jaw and canine tooth..And on several occasions my gums will swell and feel :different"...But I will take ibuprophen or some other anti inflammatory and the swelling will go down. As far as I know, by reading all the posts here that several people do have swelling..And Yes everything about TN and any kind of face pain is very scary...Hope you are doing well..Take care..


Thank you Stephanie .Hope you are doing well also.:slight_smile:

I have my good days and bad days! What kind of pain do you have? I am taking Amitriptyline again after being off of it for about 8 months..But after I got a cold/ cough/ear ache the pain in my teeth and jaw came back...

I do, but most notibly if I sleep flat. So that is why I sleep in a recliner every night. To minimize my risk of having facial swelling. Also if I sleep flat, I will wake up with a bad headache and pain. the swelling.

I still have occasional swelling. .anyway..But not very often because I don't sleep in a bed anymore.

Thanks for answering me Min.I might have try to sleep in recliner and see if I can get some relief !!!

Stephanie she has me on Tegretol and I have Norco,but it hasn’t touched my tn so far…

I have swelling under my jaw on the right side. My family practice doc sent me to the ENT who had no clue what causes it but said it was NOT related to anything he could fix so it MUST be neurological so tell it to my neurologist. I talked to him and he said " I have no idea what it is go see the ENT'" So back I went this time ENT sent me to Neurosurgeon again I struck out. So can't find a doc that knows what it is and all I can say is it hurts like crazy and like many of you it gets worse if I lay flat. I do not want to sleep in the living room without my hubby so I pile up pillows on the bed so I can prop up to sleep. I hope someday one of you will find a doc who knows how to fix this problem.

Jrulz ,, I was lucky. I was able to move a recliner into my bedroom .... there was just enough room for it. :) It's not the same, but...I'll take it. .

i get swelling on the gums and jawline also neck...been ultrasounded mri and waiting for cat but in the meantime the swelling which coincides with jaw ceasing till eventually my mouth is stuck shut....this occurred in the spring but for the first time it happened when tn was more or less in remission dentist xrayed and sent me back to ent who did all the tests again and found nothing so back to the neurologist when i see him i will update

I swelling when I have am a flare up of pain. Also have a constant slight droop of my cheek on my tn side.

Hey Kathy.

I have swelling in my left eye, left side of face and neck. My neuro said this did not make since with TN and he can not explain why it keeps happening. It scares me the most when my neck swells because it causes me to feel like I'm choking! Extremely high doses of prednisone seem to help but I can only take it for 5 days and not very often because it can do so much damage to internal organs. Lower doses do not help at all.

I too would like to know if anyone else has this occur.


Have they checked for Occipital Neuralgia? That is what is causing my eye problems. The neuro-Opthamologist here says there is nothing they can do for it but my aunt found something a couple of days ago about one of the med schools doing a surgery that sounds scary as hell but they say they are having good results. I am trying to get them to send me the info about it. When I get it I will post it here for everyone. I am going to talk to my neurosurgeon on Wednesday about it and see what he knows and maybe he can get me to an eye surgeon that knows about it. I am sorry to all who suffer through this. I sounds like we all have basically the same patterns. I have to ask this though because no one has mentioned it, when everyone has the swelling so bad, what do you do about eating? I don't like to eat anyway because of my meds, but when I get the swelling the only things I can get down are soft foods like creamed taters, soup, ice cream and foods like that. Does anyone else have these problems?

Had to go to ER last night pain was unbearable .Two shots for pain(didn’t help much )and solu medrol shot.face still swollen,pain in jaw ,ear ,cheek,teeth,neck swollen on left side too.cant open my mouth to eat .so much pain !!!they did X-ray’s nothing on them .Did Ct scan results not back yet .please tell me this pain does not last forever.I can’t do it!!!

would love to hear your cat results been waiting 6 months for a cat and will wait another 3 so would be grateful for an update

Kathy said:

Had to go to ER last night pain was unbearable .Two shots for pain(didn't help much )and solu medrol shot.face still swollen,pain in jaw ,ear ,cheek,teeth,neck swollen on left side too.cant open my mouth to eat .so much pain !!!!they did X-ray's nothing on them .Did Ct scan results not back yet .please tell me this pain does not last forever.I can't do it!!!

my CAT scan never shows anything when they do it for the neck swelling and pain. The ultrasound or MRI never do either but the pain doesn't last for ever either it does go away for periods of time before it decides to come back for more torture. The doc say the only thing they can relate it to at all is possibly my occipital neuralgia. I hope this helps someone.

Kathy said:

Had to go to ER last night pain was unbearable .Two shots for pain(didn't help much )and solu medrol shot.face still swollen,pain in jaw ,ear ,cheek,teeth,neck swollen on left side too.cant open my mouth to eat .so much pain !!!!they did X-ray's nothing on them .Did Ct scan results not back yet .please tell me this pain does not last forever.I can't do it!!!

My ct scan came back showed nothing.still in a lot pain .I am going to ask my Dr to do a MRI this week . I will keep y’all updated!!