Surgery in 3 days

Hey guys,

So I’m having my surgery in three days… January 6th. But I have a huge problem. I seem to have come down with a cold or something that has left me with a runny nose and an occasional cough. I don’t have a fever… and haven’t had one. I don’t even feel bad! But I’m TERRIFIED that the doctors are going to say, “Oops your sick, we can’t do surgery… try again another time.” I’ve waited so long for this surgery, finally got everything with my work figured out with FMLA and family situated to help take care of me. Does anyone know what the deal is if I’ve just got a case of the sniffles? Is that a deal breaker for surgery?

Please let me know!!!


Should think you will be ok, you have not got a persistant cough or a fever. It could even be an allergy to some perfume, or cleaning fluid that you have used. It is only the 3rd today so it might clear up by the 6th. Good luck to you. Margaret

Hi Amy you and I are schedule to have surgery the same day I totally wish you much success. Now according to my surgery book it said if you have a cold they will not do the surgery. I dont want to scare you so it dont sound like ou have a cold may be just a runng nose so you should be ok. Becasue I know what you mean in hoping "Please dont let nothing go worng, I have been saying this to my self all week. I was on 2 forms of medication and the dr winged me of one of the medication and the attack stared to come back. I know in my heart and beleived that the surgey is my chose for my raod to regaing my life back. The medication is making me sick… So I got some prays going up to you… We are going to go through this togher God Bless,… Diane

Hi Amy…How are you doing…? I hope you are o.k.


I'm doing... okay. I guess that's the best way to describe it. I'm homebound to make sure I stay healthy until surgery. I'm frustrated. My family is frustrated. We're all just ready for this to be over and we're crossing fingers and toes that it will be all over after this surgery. It's been a mess here at the house because in addition to my TN meds... I'm also on three antibiotics that all have their own schedules.

BUT I'm here and I'm surviving. I've been having attacks more lately but I think it's the stress that's getting to me. Stress has always been a huge trigger of mine. My family and I are just trying to keep our heads up and are counting down the days til the 20th.

Thanks for checking in on me!

Hay amy you and I was to have surgery on the same day jan 6 well girl frined I am here to tell you I am back at home and I am doing great it was the best thing I could have done hay please give me a call I can share a lot of info with you it is better for me to talk with you than emailing I don’t want you to miss any thing can you call me at 216-■■■■■■■■ I will wait for your call. Thanks diane

Diane…glad to hear it…I am going to schedule surgery this month. I’m scared…but you are giving me hope…thanks

Diane, just inbox me or I’ll give you my email address. My phone has been acting up lately and I’ve been having a lot of attacks so they’ve had me on a lot of pain meds. I read your post about surgery and it sounds like everything went great for you!! I’m so happy for you and thanks for the insight into how the surgery went. I got a week left and I’m counting down the days because I’m having more attacks lately. We go up to Duke on the 19th. They want me in the hospital over night the night before for prep so I’ll be leaving Wednesday morning for the four hour drive.

Hi Amy here is my email address: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Thank you
