
Surgery is tomorrow afternoon. I woke up this morning already having a panic attack. I'm shaking, my stomach hurts and I'm just scared. I go in for pre-anesthesia testing and the brain MRI later. My youngest has been sick, so I don't know if I'm hopeful or worried they'll say I'm sick as well. I want to get the surgery over with, but it scares me so much. It's been a morning of chain smoking, and trying to sort out last minute details. I can't stop shaking. I wish it was already done and over with tomorrow!

(((( RueAnn )))),

I know, I did the same spent the last 24hrs prior to surgery smoking up a storm and shaking, my body riddled with anxiety. All I can tell you is this, the morning of my surgery, I was extremely calm and put it in God’s Hands. You’ve made the decision, you’ve chosen a surgeon and trust his ability and all your friends and family are praying and sending good thoughts and positive vibes, NOW all you have to do is close your eyes and let your surgeon take away your pain.

I know you’ll come out the other side better! Trust it, believe it.

Everything to date has led you to this moment for a reason.

I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, Let go, Let God…and if you’re not religious let the Universe take care of it …

Huge (((( hugs )))))! Can’t wait to hear from you when you’re well enough to update.

Take care of you, positive thoughts Girl!!

I just now saw this, so I am hoping you came through surgery well. :-)