Getting ready for surgery;)

So I have one quick question. I have decided to have surgery and got my date yesterday. I am excited just to hopefully get some relief but my emotions are crazy!!! Granted there are other life factors that I’m sure are making me emotional as well but ever since I got my surgery date I’m an emotional basket case!!! Has anyone else has this issue??

What are you having done?

I’m having the MVD surgery done…

Hell yes! When I decided to have mine I was excited and scared. It’s very, very normal. Unless you’ve had brain surgery before this is totally uncharted territory. Good luck!

When you have a minute read through the link above.
I found comfort and information by reading of others experiences.
It’s perfectly normal to be anxious, I was, right up until the day before the surgery, the morning of I was very calm.
One day at a time…(( hugs )) Mimi

Thanks guys!!! Sometimes I feel like I’m crazy… I don’t like ll this anxiety and being scared then excited then nervous then happy:/ wow guess I just didn’t expect to be so emotional…

Hi, I’m also scheduled, Wednesday if all goes well with consult. I’ve been too busy with work and family to reeely think about all the stuff that would scare me. However, now it’s starting to sink in. I keep remembering all the posts of all the patients here in Bens Friends. Most people had a good surgery, and good outcome, and I am trusting in my surgeon, breathing, just breathing!!! I’m hoping for the best outcome for you!!! It will all be worth it!!! : )

Tiffanie your surgery will go amazing!!! And no more pain;) keeping you in my prayers!! (Huggs)

Sending both of you the best:)

Best of luck to both of u. Sending positive thoughts to y’all. :slight_smile:

Sending great vibes from my little corner too! Brave women. My “nerves” would be all up and down and inside out as well.

I have a very basic and simple meditation I do when very anxious. Simply count one thru five over and over again in a steady way. Sometimes when I watch my breathing too closely it feels too big and too much. The counting automatically takes care of breathing.

Please keep us updated-:slight_smile:

Peace and Happiness