MVD Surgery

Well tomorrow is the big day. I am going to have my MVD surgery. Now, first of all I’m sooooo scared of the whole thing. I’m even more scared of how I will feel when it’s over. Guess this is all normal, I will definitely update all of you, keep me in your prayers tonight for a safe successful surgery, and as always I pray that each and everyone of you have pain free days.

Good luck and God Bless..will keep you in our prayers..You will do's praying for a pain free life after today....keep us posted

All the best of wishes! I was terrified the day before, but an unusual calm came over me the morning of…I hope you feel the same!
Positive thoughts and prayers, please check in when you’re able too.
(( hugs )) Mimi

Hope all went well, Neenie! Please let us know when you are feeling up to it.

I cannot wait to hear about your success.

I will keep you in my thoughts.
