Shock denial realization

I feel like my TN diagnosis and spine life issues (my lumbar area was severely injured at the time of my mvd, causing two more surgeries and I'm still in recovery). are just hitting me mentally. Along with two deaths of a close friend and my dear step dad-that's a very different feeling of grief though, and another topic. I don't know why the diagnosis of TN and my back is hitting me harder than ever now, mentally I'm speaking of, after a year + since my TN diagnosis. Maybe because I'm remembering and know its here with me now for life. Im scared. Angry. Sad. I believe it now. It wasn't as real before. I need to remember it hasn't been that long and things are still in the learning phases. How long will it be until I come to peace?

Whoops. Sorry for the title garble! Was trying to say in my post that the photo attached of my Siberian Kitty yawning makes me laugh. Im on my mobile…I have a boy and a girl. Pets are the best soothing therapy there is! If you can get a pet, do so!

Note- please don’t share or +1. I need to keep my information on here private. Thank you.

Here he is!

Ill add a sweet photo… of him, Nicolai, him resting and Nathalie with him. PS. The photo above - his eyes are shut tightlym not the colored black and white above! He has sapphire eyes. Siberians are naturally hypoallergenic. Amazing, loyal, cuddly, funny cats with many cute noises like chirping and coos. They are a breed that goes back 1000’s of years. The Russian national cat. Smart, sensative and true honest individual personalities… Google them! Sorry for typos since I’m on My mobile and can’t see what I’m typing on the screen!

Please don’t share, fb or +1. Thank you.

im not there either and im still hoping for ome change. therapy might help. how did they injure the lumbar and did the docs admit it. you have admitted the problem and we are both grieving. try to find something calming to distract yourelf. imagery is upposed to work well.

Yes, please do tell how your back got to be involved!!!!

My animals are my saving grace!!!! Have 5, would have 5 more if I was not married LOL

I would get grief counseling. WITHING 24 months -- I too had a PILE of crap all at once, fresh new master's degree and 2 years with no job to show for it, autistic son having to go live elsewhere for a year, becoming a newlywed, 2 deaths in the family, and THEN TN!

Whether changes are positive or negative, too many at once are overwhelming. Can you get a counselor? In person support group?

Keep Posting!


Hi, Sara—Ten years down the line since the TN diagnosis for me. 2 Gamma Knife surgeries and 1 MVD. It took 9.75 years to get to the part of the grieving process where acceptance finally set in (it's the last step). Now I accept this completely. Take really good care of myself, my hubby and children completely. And, most of all, hold on to an anchor of Hope that one day I will be healed OR go into a permanent remission. It is actually possible to Hope for healing and remission AND accept this and do your best with it simultaneously.

In the first 5 years after TN diag., my foster mother died; biological father died of cirrhosis and then my little sister died of the same thing my b.f. died of…basically alcohol poisoning. Then my biological mother died of cervical cancer. She, too, was addicted to substances, and death was not pretty. So much grief in such a small amount of time. The good news: if all the pain is at the surface, it's really easy to work with and walk through (well not easy, just really accessible :-). If it is your time to heal and you're willing to work with the counselor. My progress in 6 weeks was what she said most people accomplish in a few years, if ever. My progress was only due to the fact that I wanted to get to the finish line…so I pressed through. Be good to yourself, Sara. When the waves of grief come, go to a quiet place and journal and/or cry your heart out. This is one serious disease that robs all that it can. Just don't let it take one more little, tiny second than necessary, okay? Keep posting and msg me if you'd like to speak privately. Our friends here are sometimes the wind at our backs and they may not even know it :-) Check back to see if there is something new you can add to your tool box. You're dealing with a whole lot more than just TN now, so healthy, positive support is a very good thing. Blessings to you! LyndaS