Hi all, I am 48 years old and have had TN for approx 7-8 years. Not bad until the Christchurch earthquakes though. It really flared up after our last big quake in December. We have had 4 big ones here in Ch Ch NZ now. As you can imagine they are very stressful and upsetting. Apart from TN i also have Ostio Arthritis through most of my joints and Firbo. I have Asthma and numbness etc down both legs and sometimes arms. I stay at home most the time except for Dr and Hospital appointments and if well enough walking my we Jack Russell Sydney. I have a wonderful partner Neil who is very kind but i wish he would read / watch video on TN. He's avoiding it I feel. May scare him to much. We don't have children so our Dog Sydney is our substitute. He is my Angel and is always there for me when I'm sick. We are living in the garage at them moment as our house is being fixed form the earthquakes. This is very hard for me as noise and small space are making it difficult. I need quiet and more space. :)
Hey there!
Animals to the rescue! Are they a salvation or what? My 11 year old cat, Dini, is a literal Godsend (except when he wants to sleep on my face). The companionship of our animals can truly be lifesaving and your Sydney looks to be a real treasure for you. Even if they are they only reason to get out of the bed some days they are one amazing reason! Hug and love all over that puppy relentlessly =D Living in such stress must be so hard on you. I don't know how you do it with quakes looming around the corner. I would be petrified and I know my TN would be on the flare up constantly.
My family will not listen/research much on TN either. I know it is overwhelming for them but because they choose to stay ignorant they also don't have to adapt to any changes I need. A less stressful home is so necessary yet apparently hard to realize right now so I can identify with your words at the moment. Like I said, you hug that Sydney of yours and keep in mind there are a lot of us, all over the world, who know how you feel.
Keeping you in my thoughts,
As stress can be one of our worse triggers it must be so hard for you living under these awful conditions. I take my hat off to you for being as amiable as you are, I would be awful. Like you I really need peace and a liitle space to thrive. I hope the work on your house will be done soon. NZ is such a wonderful place, I only visited Wellington in the early 70’s but thought it was so fresh and green after my beloved but so different Australia. I am actually a Brit and have been back a long time but I miss living down under.
As Coqi says, lean on that lovely Sydney, our pets just know when we need them and respond very well. Shame your husband is unable to take on board all the implications of your conditions. It can be a lot fro them to take onboard and I wonder sometimes if they would sooner bury their heads in the sand than face up to the awful reality…
I'm also lucky enough to have a fantastic dog, a golden lab named "Goldie". She's a wonderful companion and very expressive. Pets can be very comforting, especially during bad times. They just have this unique ability to make people feel so much better.
Before my TN surgery I had a very difficult time, my heart goes out to you. I will pray for you,
All the best to you,
Hi puppyhound
Welcome to Living with TN. Unlimited support and knowledge here.
Now,let's get to Neil the Angel. Sir, pull up a chair, we gotta talk.
We, the wounded, thrive on the support of loved ones. So....
All the best Brother, Hang in there. Puppyhound needs you. Be there, you'll feel a lot better.
Oh gosh, you are all so wonderful and supportive. I do appreciated it very much and need it at the moment. I live for my dog who is ten now and hope to get a lot more years with him and his amazing caring nature. I love him so much. I thought as i went up on my meds i could leave my shades of for an hour and am not suffering badly for that decision. Silly me a. I just can not stand any light at all including night light. Your are all so kind and i am so happy i have found this site. I had no one to talk to before this. My hubby is so kind but doesn't understand. At the moment i am stuck in a single garage while our Earthquake renovations are being done to our house. I have been in here for 3 day's in a row with-out being able to go out anywhere and it it very hard on me. God bless you all and Many Thanks. xx
Hi pup
I remember one Saturday afternoon, sitting around depressed, poking around the internet I found our site and did i brighten up. I have wonderful support from family and friends but is so cool to hang around with all my new cyber friends who share and understand our disorder. Although my meds are normally effective, the lower nerve has been acting up over the last several days, So, this afternoon I'm staying in bed watching TV. I might go downtown and watch the Chinese New Year Parade. But for now, I'm half-way around the world hanging around with you and our support group. It's a good day. However,being a San Franciscan, I sure get nervous hearing about earthquakes,garage living and home repair. You sound like a very strong women. Keep in touch